1. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands (Freq. 6) - his story brought tears to her eyes • Syn: teardrop • Hypernyms: drop, drib, driblet • Part Holonyms: lacrimal secretion, lachrymal secretion • Substance Meronyms: water, H2O 2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart (Freq. 1) - there was a rip in his pants - she had snags in her stockings • Syn: rip, rent, snag, split • Derivationally related forms: split (for: split), rip (for: rip) • Hypernyms: opening, gap 3. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking - they went on a bust that lasted three days • Syn: bust, binge, bout • Derivationally related forms: binge (for: binge) • Hypernyms: revel, revelry • Hyponyms: piss-up 4. the act of tearing - he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear • Hypernyms: separation • Hyponyms: laceration, rent, rip, split
1. separate or cause to separate abruptly (Freq. 19) - The rope snapped - tear the paper • Syn: rupture, snap, bust • See Also: tear up, tear apart, tear down • Derivationally related forms: snap (for: snap), rupture (for: rupture) • Hypernyms: separate, disunite, divide, part • Hyponyms: lacerate, rend, rip, rive, pull, shred, tear up, rip up • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - They tear the sheets 2. to separate or be separated by force (Freq. 7) - planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars • Hypernyms: separate, disunite, divide, part • Hyponyms: cleave, split, rive • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 3. move quickly and violently (Freq. 2) - The car tore down the street - He came charging into my office • Syn: shoot, shoot down, charge, buck • See Also: shoot up (for: shoot) • Hypernyms: rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, speed, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, step on it • Hyponyms: rip • Verb Group: dart, dash, scoot, scud, flash, shoot • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 4. strip of feathers (Freq. 1) - pull a chicken - pluck the capon • Syn: pluck, pull, deplume, deplumate, displume • Hypernyms: strip • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 5. fill with tears or shed tears - Her eyes were tearing • Derivationally related forms: tearing • Hypernyms: cry, weep • Verb Frames: - Something ----s