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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

fa·vour·ite [favourite favourites] (especially US fa·vor·ite)adjective, noun BrE [ˈfeɪvərɪt] NAmE [ˈfeɪvərɪt]
liked more than others of the same kind
It's one of my favourite movies.
Who is your favourite writer?
January is my least favourite month.

Word Origin:
late 16th cent. (as a noun): from obsolete French favorit, from Italian favorito, past participle of favorire ‘to favour’, from Latin favor, from favere ‘show kindness to’ (related to fovere ‘cherish’).

favourite (BrE) (AmE favorite)adj.
Who is your favourite poet?
best-loved • • of choice • • pet • |especially business preferred • |especially written favoured
sb's favourite/preferred/favoured food/activity/method/way/type
sb's favourite/pet subject/topic
sb's favourite/preferred option/approach/strategy/version/location/candidate/school

favourite • preference • selection • pick
These are all words for a person or thing that is chosen, or that is liked more than others.
choice • a person or thing that is chosen: She's the obvious choice for the job.
favourite/favorite • a person or thing that you like more than the others of the same type: Which one's your favourite?
preference • a thing that is liked better or best: Tastes and preferences vary from individual to individual.
favourite or preference?
Your favourites are the things you like best, and that you have, do, listen to, etc. often; your preferences are the things that you would rather have or do if you can choose.
selection • a number of people or things that have been chosen from a larger group: A selection of reader's comments are published below.
pick • (rather informal, especially NAmE) a person or thing that is chosen: She was his pick for best actress.
sb's choice/favourite/pick for sth
sb's choice/selection/pick as sth
an obvious choice/favourite/selection
a(n) excellent/good/popular/fine choice/selection
Idiom:somebody's favourite son
1. a person or thing that you like more than the others of the same type
These biscuits are great favourites with the children.
This song is a particular favourite of mine.
The band played all my old favourites.
Which one's your favourite?
The programme has become a firm favourite with young people.
2. a person who is liked better by sb and receives better treatment than others
She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite.
3. the horse, runner, team, etc. that is expected to win
The favourite came third.
~ (for sth) Her horse is the hot favourite for the race.
~ (to do sth) AC Milan, the hot favourites to win the Champions League
4. the person who is expected by most people to get a particular job or position
~ (for sth) She's the favourite for the job.
~ (to do sth) She's the favourite to succeed him as leader.

Word Origin:
late 16th cent. (as a noun): from obsolete French favorit, from Italian favorito, past participle of favorire ‘to favour’, from Latin favor, from favere ‘show kindness to’ (related to fovere ‘cherish’).

favourite (BrE) (AmE favorite)noun C
This song is a particular favourite of mine.
preference • • choice • • selection • |especially AmE, informal pick
sb's favourite/choice/pick for sth
an obvious favourite/choice/selection
Favourite or preference? Your favourites are the things you like best, and that you have, do, etc. often; your preferences are the things that you would rather have or do if you can choose.

Example Bank:
‘Show Me Love’ became a festival favourite.
China was the early favourite to win the bidding.
Gunn and Moran are prohibitive favourites.
He began recording sentimental favourites.
He is a favourite among his teammates.
If I had to choose a favourite, it would be Monet's ‘Water Lilies’.
It may become a holiday favourite on video.
Jopanini is second favourite for Saturday's race, behind Bright Spark.
My very favourite film is ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
On paper, Stanford looks like the favourite.
She is odds-on favourite to win a coveted Academy Award.
The Brazilians still look firm favourites to take the title.
The Colts are 5.5–point favourites at San Francisco this week
The Spanish are the favourites to win.
The band started with a crowd favourite.
The forest was a favourite for family walks.
The horse is an even money favourite.
The movie has become a cult favourite.
The song is a firm favourite with their fans.
The woods surrounding the estate were a favourite for family walks.
They perform their greatest hit and a new favourite.
They were singing their childhood favourite, ‘Waterloo’.
This movie is my all-time favourite.
This painting is a particular favourite of mine.
This song is an old favourite of mine.
Tiger Woods is 3–2 favourite to win the Challenge.
You will find all your old favourites in this book of poems.
a theme song that remains a fan favourite
The show has become a firm favourite with young people.
These cakes are great favourites with the children.
Which one's your favourite?


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