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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

inter·view [interview interviews interviewed interviewing] noun, verb BrE [ˈɪntəvjuː] NAmE [ˈɪntərvjuː]
1. a formal meeting at which sb is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc
a job interview
to be called for (an) interview
~ for a job, etc. He has an interview next week for the manager's job.
2. a meeting (often a public one) at which a journalist asks sb questions in order to find out their opinions
a television/radio/newspaper interview
~ (with sb) an interview with the new Governor
to give an interview (= to agree to answer questions)
Yesterday, in an interview on German television, the minister denied the reports.
to conduct an interview (= to ask sb questions in public)
The interview was published in all the papers.
3. ~ (with sb) a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered
an interview with the careers adviser
Interviews and questionnaires are the most important tools in market research.

Word Origin:
early 16th cent. (formerly also as enterview): from French entrevue, from s'entrevoir ‘see each other’, from voir ‘to see’, on the pattern of vue ‘a view’.

interview noun
1. C
I've got a job interview tomorrow.
audition • • screen test • |BrE trial • |AmE tryout
(a/an) interview/audition/trials/tryouts/screen test for sth
in (a/an) interview/audition/trials/tryouts
have a/an interview/audition/trials/tryouts/screen test
2. C
She rarely gives interviews to journalists.
audience • • consultation • • interrogation
a/an interview/audience/consultation with sb
have/request/give sb/grant sb a/an interview/audience/consultation
carry out/conduct an interview/interrogation

Getting a job
look for work
look for/apply for/go for a job
get/pick up/complete/fill out/ (BrE) fill in an application (form)
send/email your (BrE) CV/(NAmE) résumé/application/application form/covering letter
be called for/have/attend an interview
offer sb a job/work/employment/promotion
find/get/land a job
employ/ (especially NAmE) hire/recruit/ (especially BrE) take on staff/workers/trainees
recruit/appoint a manager
Doing a job
arrive at/get to/leave work/the office/the factory
start/finish work/your shift
do/put in/work overtime
have/gain/get/lack/need experience/qualifications
do/get/have/receive training
learn/pick up/improve/develop (your) skills
cope with/manage/share/spread the workload
improve your/achieve a better work-life balance
have (no) job satisfaction/job security
Building a career
have a job/work/a career/a vocation
find/follow/pursue/ (especially NAmE) live (out) your vocation
enter/go into/join a profession
choose/embark on/start/begin/pursue a career
change jobs/profession/career
be/ (both especially BrE) work/go freelance
do/take on temp work/freelance work
do/be engaged in/be involved in voluntary work
Leaving your job
leave/ (especially NAmE) quit/resign from your job
give up work/your job/your career
hand in your notice/resignation
plan to/be due to retire in June/next year, etc.
take early retirement

interrogation • audience • consultation
These are all words for a meeting or occasion when sb is asked for information, opinions or advice.
interview • a formal meeting at which sb is asked questions, for example, to see if they are suitable for a particular job or course of study, or in order to find out their opinions about sth: a job interview
interrogation • the process of asking sb a lot of questions, especially in an aggressive way, in order to get information; an occasion on which this is done: He confessed after four days under interrogation .
audience • a formal meeting with an important person: The Pope granted her a private audience.
consultation • a meeting with an expert, especially a doctor, to get advice or treatment.
an in-depth interview/consultation
a police interview/interrogation
to have/request a(n) interview/audience/consultation with sb
to give/grant sb a(n) interview/audience/consultation
to carry out/conduct an interview/interrogation

Example Bank:
All police interviews are recorded and transcribed.
He did a live interview on the CBC News Morning show.
He gave the paper an interview about his musical tastes.
He had an interview with IBM.
He said in an interview that he wanted to get married.
He's a very private man and rarely does interviews.
I get a lot of interview requests from journalists.
I have a job interview tomorrow.
Prepare answers to possible interview questions.
She taped an interview to appear the following day on ‘CBS Sunday Morning’.
She's been called for an interview for the manager's job.
Telephone interviews with over 400 Scottish businesses picked up impressively high rates of satisfaction.
The company contacted her to arrange an interview.
The documentary combines interview footage and clips from his films.
The questions are the central point of the whole interview procedure and should be planned in advance.
The survey team carried out over 200 interviews with retired people.
This month we feature an interview with Nicole Kidman.
We have an exclusive interview with the director of the movie.
We're about to start the second round of interviews for the post.
a police interview with suspected terrorists
an interview between the French Foreign Minister and the President of Egypt
an interview for the post of sales manager
an interview with the Vietnamese leader
He came across very well at the interview.
He has an interview next week for the manager's job.
He's going for an interview at Birmingham University.
I was one of 20 people to get an interview after over 1 000 people applied.
In the interview they asked me about my future plans.
She sounded like just what we were looking for, so we asked her for an interview.
She's been called for (an) interview.
She's had an interview with the careers adviser.
Derived Word:interviewing
1. transitive, intransitive ~ (sb) (for a job, etc.) to talk to sb and ask them questions at a formal meeting to find out if they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc
Which post are you being interviewed for?
We interviewed ten people for the job.
2. intransitive (especially NAmE)~ (for a job, etc.) to talk to sb and answer questions at a formal meeting to get a job, a place on a course of study, etc
The website gives you tips on interviewing for colleges.
• (BrE, NAmE)If you don't interview well you are unlikely to get the job.
3. transitive to ask sb questions about their life, opinions, etc, especially on the radio or television or for a newspaper or magazine
~ sb about sth Next week, I will be interviewing Spielberg about his latest movie.
~ sb The Prime Minister declined to be interviewed.
4. transitive ~ sb (about sth) to ask sb questions at a private meeting
The police are waiting to interview the injured man.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
early 16th cent. (formerly also as enterview): from French entrevue, from s'entrevoir ‘see each other’, from voir ‘to see’, on the pattern of vue ‘a view’.

interview verb T
The police are waiting to interview the injured man.
question • • interrogate • • cross-examine • • grill • • debrief • |especially journalism quiz
interview/question/interrogate/cross-examine/grill/debrief/quiz sb on sth
interview/question/interrogate/cross-examine/grill/quiz sb about sth
interview/question/interrogate/cross-examine a witness
interview/question/interrogate a suspect

Example Bank:
I heard him being interviewed on the news earlier.
The deadline for applications is 15 October and we will be interviewing early in November.


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