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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

trash [trash trashes trashed trashing] noun, verb BrE [træʃ] NAmE [træʃ]
noun uncountable
1. (NAmE)things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them
2. (informal, disapproving)objects, writing, ideas, etc. that you think are of poor quality
What's this trash you're watching?
• (especially BrE)He's talking trash (= nonsense).
3. (NAmE, informal)an offensive word used to describe people that you do not respect
white trash (= poor white people, especially those living in the southern US)
see also trailer trash

Word Origin:
late Middle English: of unknown origin. The verb is first recorded (mid 18th cent.) as meaning ‘to strip (sugar canes) of their outer leaves to ripen faster’; the current senses have arisen in the 20th cent.

rubbish / garbage / trash / refuse
Rubbish is the usual word in BrE for the things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them. Garbage and trash are both used in NAmE. Inside the home, garbage tends to mean waste food and other wet material, while trash is paper, cardboard and dry material.
In BrE, you put your rubbish in a dustbin in the street to be collected by the dustmen. In NAmE, your garbage and trash goes in a garbage/trash can in the street and is collected by garbage men/collectors.
Refuse is a formal word and is used in both BrE and NAmE. Refuse collector is the formal word for a dustman or garbage collector.

Example Bank:
He was talking trash about my family.
His theories were relegated to the trash heap of history.
poor white trash
Don't forget to take out the trash.
People can certainly be affected by the trash newspapers they read.
The subway entrance was blocked with trash.
They listen to pop music and watch trash TV all day.
What are these letters doing in the trash?
What's this trash you're watching?
You can buy lots of tacky trash in the souvenir shops, if that's what you want.

verb (informal)
1. ~ sth to damage or destroy sth
The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms.
2. ~ sth/sb to criticize sth/sb very strongly
3. ~ sth (NAmE)to throw away sth that you do not want
I'm leaving my old toys here— if you don't want them, just trash them.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English: of unknown origin. The verb is first recorded (mid 18th cent.) as meaning ‘to strip (sugar canes) of their outer leaves to ripen faster’; the current senses have arisen in the 20th cent.

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