1. the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form (Freq. 8) - she loved the smell of roses • Syn: odor, odour, olfactory sensation, olfactory perception • Derivationally related forms: odourise (for: odour), odorize (for: odor) • Hypernyms: sensation, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum • Hyponyms: scent, aroma, fragrance, perfume, malodor, malodour, stench, stink, reek, fetor, foetor, mephitis, acridity 2. any property detected by the olfactory system (Freq. 5) • Syn: olfactory property, aroma, odor, odour, scent • Derivationally related forms: scent (for: scent), odourise (for: odour), odorous (for: odor), odorize (for: odor), aromatic (for: aroma), aromatize (for: aroma), aromatise (for: aroma), smelly • Hypernyms: property • Hyponyms: bouquet, fragrance, fragrancy, redolence, sweetness, sweetness, stinkiness, foulness, rankness, fetidness, muskiness, rancidness • Attrubites: odorous, odorless, odourless, inodorous 3. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people (Freq. 1) - the feel of the city excited him - a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting - it had the smell of treason • Syn: spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look • Derivationally related forms: look (for: look), feel (for: feeling), feel (for: feel), spirit (for: spirit), spiritize (for: spirit) • Hypernyms: atmosphere, ambiance, ambience • Hyponyms: Hollywood, Zeitgeist 4. the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents • Syn: sense of smell, olfaction, olfactory modality • Hypernyms: modality, sense modality, sensory system, exteroception • Hyponyms: nose 5. the act of perceiving the odor of something • Syn: smelling • Derivationally related forms: smell (for: smelling) • Hypernyms: sensing, perception • Hyponyms: sniff, snuff
1. inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense (Freq. 14) • Derivationally related forms: smelling • Hypernyms: perceive, comprehend • Hyponyms: sniff, whiff, scent, nose, wind, snuff, snuffle, get a noseful, get a whiff • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - The customs agents smell the bags for drugs 2. emit an odor (Freq. 12) - The soup smells good • See Also: smell up • Hypernyms: cause to be perceived • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Something ----s Adjective/Noun - Somebody ----s Adjective - The food does smell good 3. smell bad (Freq. 3) - He rarely washes, and he smells • Hyponyms: reek, stink, salute • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 4. become aware of not through the senses but instinctively - I sense his hostility - i smell trouble - smell out corruption • Syn: smell out, sense • Derivationally related forms: sensible (for: sense), sensitive (for: sense), sense (for: sense) • Hypernyms: perceive • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE 5. have an element suggestive (of something) - his speeches smacked of racism - this passage smells of plagiarism • Syn: smack, reek • Hypernyms: suggest, evoke, paint a picture • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something