1. a support or foundation (Freq. 4) - the base of the lamp • Syn: base, pedestal • Hypernyms: support • Hyponyms: brass monkey, staddle, trivet 2. the position where a thing or person stands (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: position, place • Hyponyms: cabstand, taxistand, taxi rank 3. a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area (Freq. 2) - they cut down a stand of trees • Hypernyms: vegetation, flora, botany 4. a small table for holding articles of various kinds (Freq. 2) - a bedside stand • Hypernyms: table • Hyponyms: lectern, reading desk 5. a support for displaying various articles (Freq. 2) - the newspapers were arranged on a rack • Syn: rack • Hypernyms: support • Hyponyms: bier, cruet-stand, dress rack, magazine rack, music stand, music rack, spice rack, tripod • Part Meronyms: spit 6. an interruption of normal activity (Freq. 1) • Syn: standstill, tie-up • Derivationally related forms: tie up (for: tie-up) • Hypernyms: stop, halt 7. a booth where articles are displayed for sale (Freq. 1) • Syn: stall, sales booth • Hypernyms: booth • Hyponyms: coffee stall, newsstand 8. a mental position from which things are viewed (Freq. 1) - we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians - teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events • Syn: point of view, viewpoint, standpoint • Hypernyms: position, stance, posture • Hyponyms: cityscape, landscape, slant, angle, complexion 9. a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance (Freq. 1) - a one-night stand • Hypernyms: stop, stopover, layover 10. tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade) • Hypernyms: tiered seat • Hyponyms: bleachers, grandstand, covered stand, reviewing stand • Part Holonyms: ballpark, park, stadium, bowl, arena, sports stadium 11. a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air • Syn: bandstand, outdoor stage • Hypernyms: platform 12. a defensive effort - the army made a final stand at the Rhone • Hypernyms: defense, defence, defensive measure • Hyponyms: repulsion, standoff
1. be standing; be upright (Freq. 169) - We had to stand for the entire performance! • Syn: stand up • Ant: sit, lie • See Also: stand up • Derivationally related forms: standee, stander, standing, stance • Hypernyms: rest • Hyponyms: ramp, stand back, line up, queue up, queue • Verb Group: stand up, place upright • Entailment: arise, rise, uprise, get up, stand up • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP - The chairs stand in the corner 2. be in some specified state or condition (Freq. 53) - I stand corrected • See Also: stand for, stand out, stand by, stand firm • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something ----s Adjective/Noun - Somebody ----s Adjective 3. occupy a place or location, also metaphorically (Freq. 38) - We stand on common ground • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 4. hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright (Freq. 18) - I am standing my ground and won't give in! • Syn: remain firm • Ant: yield • Hypernyms: resist, hold out, withstand, stand firm • Verb Group: resist, fend • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 5. put up with something or somebody unpleasant (Freq. 9) - I cannot bear his constant criticism - The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks - he learned to tolerate the heat - She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage • Syn: digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up • Derivationally related forms: sufferance (for: suffer), abidance (for: abide), tolerant (for: tolerate), toleration (for: tolerate), tolerance (for: tolerate), bearable (for: bear), endurance (for: endure) • Hypernyms: permit, allow, let, countenance • Hyponyms: accept, live with, swallow, stand for, hold still for, bear up, take lying down, take a joke, sit out, pay • Verb Group: suffer • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s PP (for: put up) - Sam cannot stand Sue 6. have or maintain a position or stand on an issue (Freq. 8) - Where do you stand on the War? • Derivationally related forms: stance • Hypernyms: evaluate, pass judgment, judge • Hyponyms: align, array • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 7. remain inactive or immobile (Freq. 5) - standing water • Hypernyms: stay, remain, rest • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 8. be in effect; be or remain in force (Freq. 3) - The law stands! • Hypernyms: continue • Hyponyms: wash • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 9. be tall; have a height of; copula (Freq. 2) - She stands 6 feet tall • Hypernyms: measure • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP 10. withstand the force of something (Freq. 1) - The trees resisted her - stand the test of time - The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow • Syn: resist, fend • Derivationally related forms: fender (for: fend), resistant (for: resist) • Hypernyms: fight, oppose, fight back, fight down, defend • Verb Group: remain firm • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 11. put into an upright position (Freq. 1) - Can you stand the bookshelf up? • Syn: stand up, place upright • Derivationally related forms: standard • Hypernyms: put, set, place, pose, position, lay • Verb Group: stand up • Cause: stand up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP - They stand the bags on the table 12. be available for stud services - male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females • Topics: animal husbandry • Hypernyms: serve, service • Verb Frames: - Something ----s