1. a social unit living together (Freq. 66) - he moved his family to Virginia - It was a good Christian household - I waited until the whole house was asleep - the teacher asked how many people made up his home • Syn: household, house, home, menage • Derivationally related forms: home (for: home), householder (for: household) • Hypernyms: unit, social unit • Hyponyms: broken home, nuclear family, conjugal family, extended family, foster family, foster home, menage a trois 2. primary social group; parents and children (Freq. 52) - he wanted to have a good job before starting a family • Syn: family unit • Derivationally related forms: familial • Hypernyms: kin, kin group, kinship group, kindred, clan, tribe • Hyponyms: couple, mates, match, marriage, married couple, man and wife • Instance Hyponyms: Bronte sisters, Marx Brothers • Member Meronyms: child, kid, parent, sibling, sib 3. a collection of things sharing a common attribute (Freq. 8) - there are two classes of detergents • Syn: class, category • Derivationally related forms: categorial (for: category), categorical (for: category), categoric (for: category), categorize (for: category), classify (for: class), class (for: class) • Hypernyms: collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage • Hyponyms: grammatical category, syntactic category, substitution class, paradigm, brass family, violin family, woodwind family, stamp, sex, declension, conjugation, denomination, histocompatibility complex • Member Meronyms: superphylum 4. people descended from a common ancestor (Freq. 5) - his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower • Syn: family line, folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, sept, phratry • Hypernyms: lineage, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stemma, stock • Hyponyms: people, homefolk, house, dynasty, name, gens 5. a person having kinship with another or others (Freq. 2) - he's kin - he's family • Syn: kin, kinsperson • Derivationally related forms: familial, kin (for: kin), kinship (for: kin) • Hypernyms: relative, relation • Hyponyms: affine 6. (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera (Freq. 2) - sharks belong to the fish family • Topics: biology, biological science • Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon • Hyponyms: Filoviridae, bacteria family, protoctist family, Endamoebidae, family Endamoebidae, fish family, chordate family, bird family, amphibian family, reptile family, arthropod family, mammal family, coelenterate family, ctenophore family, worm family, mollusk family, Panorpidae, family Panorpidae, Bittacidae, family Bittacidae, echinoderm family, form family, moss family, moss family, liliopsid family, dicot family, magnoliopsid family, fungus family, plant family, fern family • Member Holonyms: order • Member Meronyms: Bunyaviridae, Togaviridae, Flaviviridae, Arenaviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Reoviridae, subfamily, tribe, genus 7. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities • Syn: syndicate, crime syndicate, mob • Derivationally related forms: mobster (for: mob) • Hypernyms: organized crime, gangland, gangdom • Hyponyms: Mafia, Maffia, Cosa Nostra 8. an association of people who share common beliefs or activities - the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family - the church welcomed new members into its fellowship • Syn: fellowship • Derivationally related forms: fellow (for: fellowship) • Hypernyms: association • Hyponyms: koinonia