Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 things turning in a circle 2 changing position 3 changing direction while you are moving see also MOVE
1 things turning in a circle - to move round in the kind of way that a wheel does: turn, go* round, (more formal and scientific) rotate, revolve; nouns: rotation, revolution The wheels were turning faster and faster. ◎ The blades of the helicopter slowly began to rotate. ◎ This wheel revolves when you turn the engine on. ◎ A single rotation of the earth takes twenty-four hours. ◎ a thousand revolutions per minute - to make sth go round: turn sth; noun: turn She turned the handle of the door. ◎ I gave the screw one more turn. - to move round sth in the way that the earth moves around the sun: go* round (sth), revolve (round/around sth) The earth takes a year to revolve around the sun. - to turn round quickly: spin*; to make sth turn quickly: spin* sth; a spinning movement: spin (noun U) The engine had stopped but the wheels of the machine were still spinning. ◎ Kevin spun the coin in the air. ◎ to put spin on a ball - to move by turning over and over: roll The ball rolled off the pavement and under the car. - to make sth move in this way: roll sth The children were rolling rocks down the hill into the river. - to turn sth in a particular direction: twist sth I managed to twist the lid off the jam jar. - to make sth move or work by turning a handle, etc: wind* sth He wound down the window and shouted to the other driver.
2 changing position - to change the position of sb/sth: turn (sb/sth) over/round Wendy picked up the vase and turned it over to look at the bottom. ◎ If it doesn't fit, try turning it round. - with the top part turned to the bottom: upside-down Turn the printer upside-down and insert the cable in the socket. ※ changing the position of your body - to change your position so that you are looking in a different direction: turn (round/around); to do this very quickly: spin* round He turned to face me. ◎ Turn around and go back the way you came. ◎ Brian spun round when he heard me call him. - to change your position when you are lying down, for example in bed: turn over, roll over Terry turned over and went back to sleep. ◎ The dog rolled over and put its legs in the air.
3 changing direction while you are moving - to change direction when you are moving: turn; an act of changing direction: turn turn left/right ◎ The car turned the corner. ◎ a left/right turn ◎ a sharp turn - to change direction suddenly: swerve I swerved to avoid the dog that was in the middle of the road. ※ changing direction when driving a car, etc DRIVE - the turning movements of roads, etc ROAD
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