| [chán] |
 | động từ |
|  | To be satiated with, to be tired/sick of; have enough of; be fed up with |
|  | chán thịt mỡ |
| to be satiated with fat meat |
|  | ngủ đến chán mắt |
| to have slept oneself to satiety, to have slept one's heart content |
|  | cảnh đẹp như tranh, mắt nhìn không chán |
| the landscape was as beautiful as a painting, so their eyes were not tired of looking at it |
|  | Thân sao bướm chán ong chường lấy thân (truyện Kiều) |
| Poor body bees and butterflies gorged on |
|  | To be disgusted with |
|  | chán cuộc sống dễ dàng nhưng quá buồn tẻ |
| to be disgusted with such an easy but too humdrum life |
|  | chán đến mang tai |
| to be fed up with |
|  | be in abundance |
|  | ở đây chán than ra đấy |
| coal is founded in abundance |
 | tính từ |
|  | Dull |
|  | vở kịch ấy chán quá |
| that play was too dull |
|  | cảnh chợ chiều chán ngắt |
| the sight of the late afternoon market was pretty dull |
|  | anh ta nói chuyện nghe chán phè |
| it is very dull to listen to him telling stories |
|  | Plenty enough, still plenty.. |
|  | chán người còn hơn ta |
| plenty enough people are better than we |
|  | người ta họp chán rồi mới thấy anh ta đến |
| he turned up only when the meeting had lasted plenty long enough |
|  | Sáu mươi tuổi hãy còn xuân chán |
|  | So với ông Bành vẫn thiếu niên |
| Still green enough at sixty, One is only a youngster compared with Methuselah |
|  | chán mớ đời! |
|  | what a nuisance! |
|  | chán như cơm nếp (nát) |
|  | tasteless like sticky rice, dull as ditch-water |