Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

bộ ấm chén a set of cups and pot
Small bowl
Amount of galenical medicine made up in one prescription
chén chú chén anh to be pot companions, to be drinking companions
chén tạc chén thù toasts exchanged in a drinking bout
To have a booze

danh từ
cup; bowl, small bowl; cupful; bowlful
bộ ấm chén
a set of cups and pot
amount of galenical medicine made up in one prescription
chén chú chén anh
to be pot companions, to be drinking companions; cup for you, cup for me; feast, regale
chén tạc chén thù
toasts exchanged in a drinking bout, toast the host; drink together
động từ
to have a booze
drink (wine)
quá chén
drink (wine) too much
cạn chén
empty one's cup (of wine); drink hard/deep
feast, regale
chè chén
take bribes

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