Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

To cure, to treat, to correct, to repair
phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh prevention is better than cure
chữa thuốc nam to treat (a disease) by galenical medicine (with herbs)
chữa lỗi in sai to correct misprints
thợ chữa đồng hồ a watchmaker
xe chữa cháy a fire-engine
To alter, to doctor
chữa áo dài thành áo sơ mi to alter a tunic into a shirt
chữa sổ sách to doctor books

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Chữa thuốc nam
To treat (a disease) by galenical medicine
Bệnh này chưa có thuốc chữa
There is no known cure for the condition
to correct; to fix; to mend; to repair
Chữa lỗi in ấn
To correct misprints
to alter
Chữa áo dài thành áo sơ mi
To alter a tunic into a shirt
to doctor; to rectify; to correct
Lỡ lời vội nói chữa
To hurriedly correct a slip of the tongue
Lợn lành chữa thành lợn què
Not to leave well alone

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