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Từ điển Máy Tính - Foldoc Dictionary
joint academic network

Joint Academic NETwork

(JANET) The wide area network which links UK academic and research institutes. JANET is controlled by the Joint Network Team (JNT) and Network Executive (NE). It is an internet (a large number of interconnected sub-networks) that provides connectivity within the community as well as access to external services and other communities. The hub is the JANET subnetwork, a private X.25 packet-switched network that interconnects over 100 sites. At the majority of sites, local area networks (LANs) are connected to JANET allowing off-site access for the computers and terminals connected to these networks. The Coloured Book protocol architecture is used to support interactive terminal access to computers (for both character terminals and screen terminals), inter-host file transfers, electronic mail and remote batch job submission.

See also JIPS, SuperJanet.

Last updated: 1995-02-07

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