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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.cake1 S2 W3 /keɪk/ BrE AmE noun
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old Norse; Origin: kaka]

1. [uncountable and countable] a soft sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs:
We had cake and ice cream.
a chocolate cake
2. fish/rice/potato etc cake fish, rice etc that has been formed into a flat round shape and then cooked
3. [countable] a small block of something
cake of
a cake of soap
4. be a piece of cake spoken to be very easy:
‘How do you do that?’ ‘It’s a piece of cake! Watch!’
5. take the cake (also take the biscuit British English) informal to be worse than anything else you can imagine:
I’ve heard some pretty dumb ideas, but that takes the cake!
6. have your cake and eat it British English, have your cake and eat it too American English spoken to have all the advantages of something without its disadvantages
7. a slice of the cake British English a share of the profit, help etc that is available:
Both companies expect to get a big slice of the cake.
sell like hot cakes at ↑hot cake(1)
• • •
make/bake a cake Let's make a cake for his birthday.
decorate a cake We decorated the cake with strawberries and cream.
ice a cake British English, frost a cake
American English (=cover a cake with fine sugar mixed with a liquid) She iced her own wedding cake.
a piece/slice of cake Would you like a slice of cake?
a cake recipe Do you have any good cake recipes?
a cake tin British English, a cake pan
American English (=that you bake a cake in) Use a 20 cm cake tin.
a cake shop There's a very good cake shop in the market.
cake mix (=a mixture that you buy in a packet and use for making a cake) If I'm feeling lazy, I sometimes use a cake mix.
types of cake
a birthday/Christmas/wedding cake (=a special cake for a birthday etc) Lucy had twelve candles on her birthday cake.
a home-made cake Home-made cakes are much nicer than bought ones.
a fruit cake (=one with dried fruit in it) Fruit cakes keep for quite a long time.
a sponge cake (=one made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs) It's best to eat sponge cakes on the day you make them.
a chocolate/lemon etc cake (=a sponge cake with a chocolate etc flavour) She'd baked a chocolate cake for me.
a cream cake (=one with thick cream inside it) I'll get fat if I eat any more cream cakes.
Do not say 'cook a cake'. Say make a cake or bake a cake.
II.cake2 BrE AmE verb
1. be caked with/in something to be covered with a layer of something soft or wet that becomes thick and hard when it dries:
Our boots were caked with mud.
2. [intransitive] if a substance cakes, it forms a thick hard layer when it dries



Cake is a sweet dessert.

danh từ
bánh ngọt
thức ăn đóng thành bánh
fish cake
cá đóng bánh
miếng bánh
cake of soap
một bánh xà phòng
cake of tobacco
một bánh thuốc lá
cakes and ale
cuộc chè chén say sưa
to go (sell) like hot cakes
bán chạy như tôm tươi
to have one's cake baked
sống sung túc, sống phong lưu
piece of cake
(từ lóng) việc ngon ơ, việc dễ làm
việc thú vị
to take the cake
chiếm giải, chiếm giải nhất; chiếm địa vị danh dự hơn tất cả mọi người
you cannot have your cake and eat it
được cái nọ mất cái kia
động từ
đóng thành bánh, đóng bánh
that sort of coal cakes easily
loại than ấy dễ đóng bánh
trousers caked with mud
quần đóng kết những bùn

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