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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.change1 S1 W1 /tʃeɪndʒ/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: adjective: ↑changeable, ↑interchangeable, ↑changedUNCHANGED, changing ≠ ↑unchanging, ↑changeless; noun: ↑change, ↑interchange, ↑interchangeability; verb: ↑change, ↑interchange; adverb: ↑interchangeably]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: changier, from Latin cambiare 'to exchange']
1. BECOME DIFFERENT/MAKE SOMETHING DIFFERENT [intransitive and transitive] to become different, or to make something become different:
Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.
Changing your eating habits is the best way to lose weight.
The leaves on trees change colour in the autumn.
change (from something) to something
He changed from being a nice lad to being rude and unhelpful.
change into
The hissing sound gradually changed into a low hum.
change somebody/something into something
A witch had changed him into a mouse.
change something to something
Mueller changed his name to Miller when he became a U.S. citizen.
2. START DOING/USING SOMETHING DIFFERENT [intransitive and transitive] to stop doing or using one thing, and start doing or using something else instead SYN switch:
She changed jobs in May.
change (from something) to something
The company has recently changed to a more powerful computer system.
The ship changed course and headed south.
The company has had to change direction because of developments in technology.
Piper awkwardly tried to change the subject (=talk about something else).
3. REPLACE SOMETHING [transitive] to put or use something new or different in place of something else, especially because it is old, damaged, or broken:
Three boys were changing a tyre by the side of the road.
When I lost my keys, we had to change all the locks.
change something (from something) to something
The time of the meeting has been changed from 11 a.m. to 10:30.
How often do you change cars (=buy a new car and sell the old one)?
4. change your mind to change your decision, plan, or opinion about something:
Her father tried to get her to change her mind.
change your mind about
If you change your mind about the job, just give me a call.
5. change sides to leave one party, group etc and join an opposing party, group etc:
It’s quite rare for politicians to change sides.
a) [intransitive and transitive] to take off your clothes and put on different ones:
Francis came in while Jay was changing.
Change your dress – that one looks dirty.
change into/out of
Sara changed into her swimsuit and ran out for a quick swim.
You’d better go and get changed.
b) [transitive] to put a clean ↑nappy on a baby, or to put clean clothes on a baby or small child:
I bathed him and changed his diaper.
Can you change the baby?
7. BED [transitive] to take the dirty ↑sheets off a bed and put on clean ones
8. EXCHANGE GOODS [transitive] British English
a) to take back to a shop something that you have bought and get something different instead, especially because there is something wrong with it SYN exchange American English
change something for something
I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they’re too large. Can I change them for a smaller size?
b) to give a customer something different instead of what they have bought, especially because there is something wrong with it SYN exchange American English:
I’m sure the shop will change them for you.
9. EXCHANGE MONEY [transitive]
a) to get smaller units of money that add up to the same value as a larger unit:
Can you change a £20 note?
b) to get money from one country for the same value of money from another country
change something into/for something
I want to change my dollars into pesos, please.
10. TRAINS/BUSES/AIRCRAFT [intransitive and transitive] to get off one train, bus, or aircraft and into another in order to continue your journey
change at
Passengers for Liverpool should change at Crewe.
change trains/buses/planes etc
I had to change planes in Denver.
all change! (=used to tell passengers to get off a train because it does not go any further)
11. change hands if property changes hands, it starts to belong to someone else:
The house has changed hands three times in the last two years.
12. change places (with somebody)
a) to give someone your place and take their place:
Would you mind changing places with me so I can sit next to my friend?
b) to take someone else’s social position or situation in life instead of yours:
She may be rich, but I wouldn’t want to change places with her.
13. GEAR [intransitive and transitive] to put the engine of a vehicle into a higher or lower ↑gear in order to go faster or slower
change (into/out of) gear
Change into second gear as you approach the corner.
change up/down British English:
Change down before you get to the hill.
14. change your tune informal to start expressing a different attitude and reacting in a different way, after something has happened:
The question is, will the president change his tune on taxes?
15. WIND [intransitive] if the wind changes, it starts to blow in a different direction
16. change your spots to change your character completely:
US business has changed its spots in recent years.
chop and change at ↑chop1(3)
• • •
dramatically/drastically/radically (=a lot) People’s work environment has changed dramatically in the past twenty years.
completely His life had completely changed since he met Anya.
considerably He has changed considerably in four years.
significantly The legal system has changed significantly since the rule was established.
fundamentally The political situation has fundamentally changed.
rapidly/quickly The market for phones is changing rapidly.
slowly/gradually Things are gradually changing.
change overnight (=very quickly) Old habits cannot be changed overnight.
changing circumstances/conditions The human brain adapts quickly to changing conditions.
changing attitudes Changing attitudes cause traditional ways of life to disappear.
the changing role of somebody the changing role of women in society
changing patterns of work/behaviour etc Changing patterns of work mean that more people are able to work from home.
a changing environment In order to survive, you must adapt to a changing environment.
a changing world Children are growing up in a changing world.
changing times (=a period of time when a lot is changing) We live in changing times.
• • •
to change something
change to make someone or something different: Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to change the situation. | Being at college has changed her – she’s much more confident now.
alter especially written tochange something so that it is better or more suitable: You can alter the colour and size of the image using a remote control. | Can we alter the date of the meeting?
adapt to change something slightly in order to improve it or make it more suitable: How much would it cost to adapt the existing equipment? | You can adapt the recipe to suit your own requirements.
adjust to make small changes in the position or level of something in order to improve it or make it more suitable: How do you adjust the volume on the television? | He adjusted his tie in the mirror.
modify especially written to make small changes to something such as a piece of equipment, a set of ideas, or a way of behaving in order to improve it or use it in a different way: He’s modified his opinions since then. | a modified version of the original program.
reform to change a law, system, organization etc so that it is fairer or more effective: plans to reform the tax system | Health care needs to be completely reformed.
revise to change a plan, idea, law etc because of new information and ideas: In July, China revised the rules for foreign investment. | The findings could force the scientists to revise their ideas about climate change.
reorganize to change the way that a system or organization works: We’ve had to reorganize our database | During the 1980s, the government reorganized the civil service.
restructure to make big changes to the way something is organized, especially a large political or economic system or a big company, in order to make it more effective: The company has been restructured from top to bottom.
to change something completely
transform to change something completely, especially so that it is much better: Well, you’ve certainly transformed this place – it looks great! | Putin transformed the Russian economy.
revolutionize to completely and permanently change the way people do something or think about something, especially because of a new idea or invention: Computers have revolutionized the way we work. | This important discovery revolutionized our understanding of the universe.
to change something in order to deceive people
distort to explain facts, statements etc in a way that makes them seem different from what they really are: The judge said that she had deliberately tried to distort the facts. | Don’t try to distort the truth.
twist to dishonestly change the meaning of a piece of information or of something that someone has said, in order to get an advantage for yourself or to support your own opinion: He accused reporters of twisting his words. | In her article she twisted the meaning of what I said.
misrepresent to give people a wrong idea about someone or their opinions, by what you write or say: I hope I have not misrepresented her opinion. | He’s taking legal action to stop the film, claiming it grossly misrepresents him.
change something ↔ around phrasal verb

to move things into different positions:
When we’d changed the furniture around, the room looked bigger.
change over phrasal verb

to stop doing or using one thing and start doing or using another ⇨ changeover:
Complete all the exercises on one leg, then change over.
change over to
We hope to change over to the new software by next month.
II.change2 S1 W1 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: adjective
: ↑changeable, ↑interchangeable, ↑changedUNCHANGED, changing ≠ ↑unchanging, ↑changeless; noun
: ↑change, ↑interchange, ↑interchangeability; verb
: ↑change, ↑interchange; adverb
: ↑interchangeably]
1. THINGS BECOMING DIFFERENT [uncountable and countable] the process or result of something or someone becoming different:
I find it hard to cope with change.
scientists worried about climatic change
change in
changes in the immigration laws
A change in personality may mean your teenager has a drug problem.
change of
a change of temperature
No major changes were made to the book.
change for the better/worse (=a change that makes a situation better or worse)
There was a change for the better in the patient’s condition.
social/political/economic etc change
the sweeping political changes after the fall of communism
She had a change of heart (=change in attitude) and decided to stay.
Family life has undergone dramatic change in recent years.
2. FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER [countable] the fact of one thing or person being replaced by another:
The car needs an oil change.
change of
a change of government
a change of address
change from something to something
the gradual change from grasslands to true desert
The government has made some major policy changes.
3. PLEASANT NEW SITUATION [singular] a situation or experience that is different from what happened before, and is usually interesting or enjoyable
change from
The morning was cool; a welcome change from the heat of the day before.
for a change
How about dinner out for a change?
it/that makes a change (=used to say that something is better than and different from usual)
‘Ron’s buying the drinks.’ ‘That makes a change.’
change of scene/air/pace etc (=when you go to a different place or do something different)
The patients benefit greatly from a change of scenery.
a change is as good as a rest (=used to say that starting to do something different is as good as having a rest)
4. MONEY [uncountable]
a) the money that you get back when you have paid for something with more money than it costs:
Here’s your change, sir.
b) money in the form of coins, not paper money
in change
I have about a dollar in change.
Matt emptied the loose change from his pockets.
A beggar asked for some spare change (=coins that you do not need).
c) coins or paper money that you give in exchange for the same amount of money in a larger unit
change for £1/$10
Excuse me, have you got change for a pound?
make change American English (=give someone change)
Can you make change for $20?
5. small change
a) coins you have that do not have a high value:
I only had about a pound in small change.
b) used to emphasize that something is a small amount of money when it is compared to a larger amount:
The program costs $20 million a year, small change by Washington standards.
6. change of clothes/underwear etc an additional set of clothes that you have with you, for example when you are travelling
7. TRAIN/BUS/AIRCRAFT [countable] a situation in which you get off one train, bus, or aircraft and get on another in order to continue your journey:
Even with a change of trains, the subway is quicker than a cab at rush hour.
8. get no change out of somebody British English spoken to get no useful information or help from someone:
I wouldn’t bother asking Richard – you’ll get no change out of him.
ring the changes at ↑ring2(6)
• • •
big/major Going to a new school is a big change for children.
slight/small/minor The proposed changes were relatively minor.
gradual There has been a gradual change in the weather.
dramatic/drastic/radical (=very big, especially in way that is surprising) The Industrial Revolution was a period of dramatic change.
significant The change in blood pressure was not significant.
marked (=very noticeable) There was a marked change in his behaviour.
fundamental Reducing waste requires a fundamental change in attitude.
social/political/economic etc change Demands for political and social change are growing.
sweeping changes (=affecting many things or people, especially because of an official decision) There are likely to be sweeping changes in the company.
far-reaching changes (=important and having a great effect that will last a long time) The Internet has brought about far-reaching changes in the way we work.
make a change We've had to make some changes to the design.
introduce a change A number of changes were introduced to the curriculum.
bring (about) change (also effect a change
formal) (=cause change) The war brought about radical social change. | Treatment is aimed at effecting a change in the child’s negative behaviour.
see/notice/observe a change I saw a big change in her when I met her again.
undergo a change (=be affected by a change) The body undergoes a number of changes during this time.
signal a change (=be a sign of a change) Does this move signal a change in US foreign policy?
the pace/rate of change People sometimes feel alarmed by the pace of technological change.
• • •
change noun
[uncountable and countable] a situation in which someone or something becomes different, or the act of making something different: There was a sudden change in the weather. | We are living in a period of great change. | He was told to make some slight changes to his essay.
alteration noun
[uncountable and countable] a change, especially a small one that happens naturally or gradually, or one that is made in order to improve something: I noticed a slight alteration in her behaviour. | They had to make some alterations to their original theory.
reform noun
[uncountable and countable] a change made to a system or law in order to improve it: He called for a reform of our outdated voting system. | Many people opposed the economic reforms.
shift noun
[countable] a change, especially in people’s attitudes or in the way they do things, or in the position of someone or something: a shift in public opinion about the war | There has been a noticeable shift in government policy on education. | There needs to be a major shift away from road transport to rail transport. | After he died, there was a dramatic shift in the balance of power.
swing a big change, especially in someone’s opinions or moods: There has been a big swing toward the Democrats (=many more people are supporting them). | The drug can cause mood swings.
fluctuation noun
[uncountable and countable] a change in something - used when something changes often: fluctuations in the value of the dollar | temperature fluctuations | fluctuations in his mood | There has been some fluctuation in productivity levels.
a great change
transformation noun
[uncountable and countable] a change in which something or someone becomes completely different: There has been a complete transformation in his attitude since he became a father. | her transformation from shy local girl to famous movie actress
revolution noun
[countable] a complete change in ways of thinking or working: The 1970s saw the beginnings of a new technological revolution. | Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity started a revolution in scientific thinking.
shake-up noun
[countable] a situation in which a lot of changes are very quickly made in a system or organization in order to make it more effective: The department has not performed well and is badly in need of a shake-up. | The Administration is planning a thorough shake-up of the welfare system.
U-turn noun
[countable] a complete change in the plans of a government or political party so that it decides to do the opposite of what it originally said it would do: The government was forced to do a U-turn after angry protests about their taxation policy.



Your change is the money you get back after paying for something.

danh từ
(change in / to something) sự thay đổi hoặc trở nên khác với trước đây; sự thay đổi
to undergo a complete change
thay đổi hoàn toàn
a change in the weather
sự thay đổi thời tiết
there has been a change in the programme
chương trình có sự thay đổi
Government plans to make important changes to the tax system
chính phủ dự định đưa ra nhiều thay đổi quan trọng trong hệ thống thuế
are you for or against change?
anh tán thành hay phản đối sự thay đổi?
just for a change
để cho thấy có sự thay đổi (cho có vẻ khác (thường)); để thay đổi một chút
a change for the better
sự thay đổi theo chiều hướng tốt hơn
a change for the worse
sự thay đổi theo chiều hướng xấu đi
(change of something) sự đổi cái này lấy cái khác; cái được dùng thay cho cái khác
a change of air/climate
sự thay đổi không khí (bằng cách đi nghỉ mát chẳng hạn)
a change of job
sự thay đổi nghề nghiệp
please note my change of address
xin ghi lại sự thay đổi địa chỉ của tôi
the party needs a change of leader
đảng này cần thay đổi thủ lĩnh
don't forget to take a change of clothes
đừng quên mang theo quần áo thay đổi
the change of life
như menopause
the changes of life
những nỗi thăng trầm của cuộc sống
change of mind (heart)
sự thay đổi ý kiến, sự thay đổi thái độ
a welcome change from town to country life
một sự thay đổi thú vị từ cuộc sống thành thị sang cuộc sống nông thôn
tiền lẻ
Can you give me/Have you got change for a five-pound note?
anh có thể/anh có tiền lẻ đổi cho tôi một tờ năm pao?
I've no small change
tôi không có tiền lẻ
tiền thừa hoàn lại (cho khách hàng)
don't forget your change!
chớ quên tiền thừa trả lại
(change from something to something) sự đổi từ đoàn tàu này sang đoàn tàu khác
he had to make a quick change at Crewe
anh ta phải đổi tàu thật nhanh ở Crewe
sự giao dịch chứng khoán; thị trường chứng khoán (ở Luân-đôn) ((cũng) Change, (viết tắt) của Exchange)
(số nhiều) trật tự rung chuông
to get no change out of somebody
không địch lại được ai (trong cuộc tranh luận); không cạnh tranh nổi ai (trong việc buôn bán)
(thông tục) không móc được của ai cái gì
to ring the changes on a subject
lặp đi lặp lại một vấn đề dưới hình thức khác nhau, nhai đi nhai lại một vấn đề dưới những hình thức khác nhau
to take one's (the) change out of somebody
(thông tục) trả thù ai
động từ
làm cho ai/cái gì trở nên khác; thay đổi
you've changed a lot since I last saw you
anh đã thay đổi nhiều so với lần trước tôi gặp anh
our plans have changed
kế hoạch của chúng tôi đã thay đổi
to change one's attitude/opinion (mind)
thay đổi thái độ/ý kiến
an event which changed the course of history
một sự kiện thay đổi dòng lịch sử
to change one's doctor
thay bác sĩ
to change one's job/address
đổi nghề/địa chỉ
to change a light bulb
thay một cái bóng đèn
to change gear
sang số (chuyển sang một số khác trên ô tô để đi nhanh hơn hoặc chậm hơn)
the ship changed course
con tàu đã đổi hướng
the wind has changed direction
gió đã đổi chiều
all things change
mọi vật đều thay đổi
to change one's coat
thay áo
I must change these trousers - they've got oil on them
tôi phải thay cái quần này - nó bị dính dầu
I'm thinking of changing my car for a bigger one
tôi đang nghĩ đến việc đổi chiếc xe của tôi lấy một chiếc to hơn
(dùng với bổ ngữ số nhiều) (nói về hai người) trao đổi (vị trí, nơi...)
Can we change seats/Can I change seats with you?
Chúng ta đổi ghế cho nhau được không? Tôi đổi ghế với anh được không?
(to change somebody / something from something to / into something) (to change somebody / something from A to / into B) (làm cho ai/cái gì) chuyển từ hình thái này sang hình thái khác; biến đổi; (làm cho ai/cái gì) chuyển từ giai đoạn này sang giai đoạn khác
caterpillars change into butterflies or moths
con sâu biến thành bướm hoặc bướm đêm
the witch changed the prince into a frog
mụ phù thủy biến hoàng tử thành con ếch
the traffic lights have changed (from red to green)
đèn giao thông đã đổi (từ đỏ sang xanh)
Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970
Anh quốc chuyển sang hệ thống tiền tệ thập phân năm 1970
(nói về trăng) sang tuần trăng mới; sang tuần trăng non
when does the moon change?
khi nào sang tuần trăng mới, khi nào có trăng non?
đổi ra tiền lẻ
can you change a five-pound note?
ông đổi hộ tờ năm pao ra tiền lẻ được không ạ?
I need to change my dollars into francs
tôi cần đổi đô la sang frăng
thay quần áo
to change the baby
thay tã cho đứa bé
I'll change and come down at once
tôi sẽ thay quần áo và xuống ngay
to change for dinner
thay quần áo để ăn cơm tối
go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry
đi thay hết quần áo ướt, rồi mặc quần áo khô vào
đổi tàu xe
we must change at the next station
đến ga sau chúng ta sẽ phải đổi tàu
this is where we change from car to bus
đây là chỗ chúng ta chuyển từ ô tô sang xe búyt
all change!
mời mọi người xuống xe (tàu)!
to change the subject
bắt đầu nói sang chuyện khác
to change over from something to something
chuyển từ chế độ hoặc vị thế này sang chế độ hoặc vị thế khác
to change step
điều chỉnh bước đi cho đúng nhịp
to change something back into something
trả tiền và nhận số tiền tương đương với loại tiền cũ của mình
to change back francs into dollars
đổi tiền Frăng lấy lại đô la
to change back into something
cởi quần áo ra để mặc quần áo đã mặc trước đó
Can I change back into my jeans now?
bây giờ tôi có thể thay quần áo để mặc lại quần bò được không?
to change down
sang số thấp hơn (ô tô); về số, xuống số
to change up
sang số cao hơn
to change colour
(xem) colour
to change one's condition
(xem) condition
to change front
đổi chiều đổi hướng (trong cuộc tranh luận...)
to change hands
chuyển sang sở hữu của một người khác
the house has changed hands several times recently
gần đây ngôi nhà đã đổi chủ nhiều lần
to change/swap horses in midstream
thay ngựa giữa dòng
to change one's spots
làm điều gì trái với bản chất của mình
to change one's tune
thay đổi thái độ
to change one's ways
thay đổi cách sống
to chop and change
thay đổi ý kiến liên miên, không có thái độ dứt khoát

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