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I.chop1 S3 /tʃɒp $ tʃɑːp/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle chopped, present participle chopping) [transitive]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Perhaps from chap; ⇨ ↑chapped]
1. (also chop up) to cut something into smaller pieces:
He went outside to chop some more wood for the fire.
Can you chop up some carrots for me?
Add two finely chopped onions and a clove of garlic.
chop something into pieces/chunks etc
Chop the meat into small cubes.
2. informal to reduce an amount of money by a large amount:
He suddenly found that his income had been chopped in half.
3. chop and change British English informal to keep changing your mind:
You can’t keep chopping and changing like this!
chop at something phrasal verb

to hit something with a sharp tool in order to cut it:
They chopped at the bushes with their knives.
chop something ↔ down phrasal verb
to make a tree fall down by cutting it with a sharp tool:
A couple of the older trees will have to be chopped down.
Large areas of rainforest are being chopped down every day.
chop something ↔ off phrasal verb
to remove something by cutting it with a sharp tool:
The branch had been chopped off.
• • •
cut to divide something into two or more pieces, especially using a knife or ↑scissors: Do you want me to cut the cake? | He cut off the lower branches.
snip to quickly cut something, especially using ↑scissors: I snipped the label off. | The hairdresser snipped away at her hair.
slit to make a long narrow cut through something, especially using a knife: He slit the envelope open with a penknife. | She slit through the plastic covering.
slash to cut something quickly and violently with a knife, making a long thin cut: Someone had slashed the tyres on his car. | He tried to slash his wrists.
saw to cut wood, using a ↑saw (=a tool with a row of sharp points): Saw the wood to the correct length.
chop to cut wood, vegetables, or meat into pieces: Bill was outside chopping up firewood with an axe. | They chopped down the old tree. | finely chopped onion
slice to cut bread, meat, or vegetables into thin pieces: I’ll slice the cucumber. | Slice the bread thinly.
dice to cut vegetables or meat into small square pieces: First dice the apple into cubes.
grate to cut cheese or a hard vegetable by rubbing it against a special tool: Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the vegetables.
peel to cut the outside part off something such as a potato or apple: I peeled the potatoes and put them in a saucepan.
carve to cut thin pieces from a large piece of meat: Uncle Ray carved the turkey.
mow to cut the grass in a garden, park etc: A gardener was mowing the lawn.
trim (also clip) to cut a small amount off something, especially to make it look neater: He was trimming his beard. | Trim the excess fat off the meat.
II.chop2 BrE AmE noun [countable]
1. a small piece of meat on a bone, usually cut from a sheep or pig ⇨ steak:
a grilled pork/lamb chop
2. the chop British English
a) if you get or are given the chop, you lose your job:
Six more staff got the chop last week.
I might be for the chop (=lose my job).
b) if something gets or is given the chop, it is closed or stopped because people do not want to pay for it any more:
The project might get the chop.
This factory might now be for the chop (=likely to be closed).
3. a hard downward movement that you make with your hand:
a karate chop
4. the act of hitting something with a sharp tool in order to cut it:
With one last chop he split the log in two.
5. chops [plural] informal the lower part of the face of a person or animal – used humorously:
Jack was grinning all over his chops.
• • •
preparing food
grate to cut cheese, carrot etc into small pieces by rubbing it against a special tool: Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the top of the pasta.
melt to make butter, chocolate etc become liquid: Melt the butter, chocolate, and 1 teaspoon of cream over a low heat.
sieve British English, sift
American English to put flour or other powders through a ↑sieve (=tool like a net made of wire, which you use for removing larger grains or pieces): Sift the flour and cocoa before adding to the rest of the mixture.
chop to cut something into pieces, especially using a big knife: Chop up the vegetables.
dice to cut vegetables or meat into small square pieces: Dice the carrots and then fry them in butter.
season to add salt, pepper etc to food: Season the meat before grilling.
crush to use a lot of force to break something such as seeds into very small pieces or into a powder: Add one clove of crushed garlic.
mix to combine different foods together: Mix together all the ingredients in one bowl.
beat/whisk to mix food together quickly with a fork or other tool: Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks.
stir to turn food around with a spoon: Stir the sauce gently to prevent burning.
fold something in to gently mix another substance into a mixture: Fold in the beaten egg whites.
knead to press ↑dough (=a mixture of flour and water) many times with your hands when you are making bread: Knead the dough for ten minutes, until smooth.
drizzle to slowly pour a small amount of a liquid onto something: Drizzle with olive oil.
let something stand to leave something somewhere, before you do something else with it: Let the mixture stand for a couple of hours so that it cools naturally.
serve to put different foods together as part of a meal: Serve with rice and a salad. | Serve the aubergines on a bed of lettuce.



When something is chopped, it is cut into smaller pieces.

danh từ
(như) chap
down in the chops
ỉu xìu, chán nản, thất vọng
danh từ
vật bổ ra, miếng chặt ra
nhát chặt, nhát bổ (búa chày)
(thể dục,thể thao) sự cúp bóng (quần vợt)
miếng thịt sườn (lợn, cừu)
rơm băm nhỏ
mặt nước gợn sóng (vì gió ngược với thuỷ triều)
ngoại động từ
chặt, đốn, bổ, chẻ
to chop wood
bổ củi
to chop off someone's head
chặt đầu ai
to chop one's way through
đốn cây để lấy đường đi, phát quang để lấy đường đi qua
(nghĩa bóng) nói đứt đoạn, nói nhát gừng
(+ up) chặt nhỏ, băm nhỏ
nội động từ
bổ, chặt
to chop away
chặt đốn
to chop back
thình lình trở lại
to chop down
chặt ngã, đốn ngã
to chop in
(thông tục) nói chen vào
to chop off
chặt đứt, đốn cụt
to chop out
trồi lên trên mặt (địa táng)
to chop up
chặt nhỏ, băm nhỏ
danh từ
gió trở thình lình
sóng vỗ bập bềnh
(địa lý,địa chất) phay
chops and changes
những sự đổi thay
động từ
thay đổi luôn luôn, dao động, không kiến định
to chop and change
thay thay đổi đổi
(+ round, about) đổi chiều thình lình, trở thình lình (gió)
vỗ bập bềnh (sóng biển)
to chop logic with someone
cãi vã với ai
danh từ
giấy phép, giấy đăng ký, giấy chứng nhận; giấy thông hành, giấy hộ chiếu (Ấn-độ, Trung-quốc)

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