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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

economical AC /ˌekəˈnɒmɪkəl, ˌiː- $ -ˈnɑː-/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑economics, ↑economist, ↑economy; adjective: ↑economic, ↑economicalUNECONOMIC(AL), ↑economy; verb: ↑economize; adverb: ↑economically ≠ ↑uneconomically]
1. using money, time, goods etc carefully and without wasting any ⇨ economic:
A small car is more economical to run.
good-quality clothes at economical prices
2. economical with the truth used humorously to say that someone is not telling the truth
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cheap costing very little money, or less than you expected: My shoes were really cheap – they only cost £25. | The cheapest way to get to Chicago is to take the bus. | cheap flights
low low prices, rents, and fees do not cost a lot of money. Do not use cheap with these words: Why is the share price so low? | You could get equally good accommodation elsewhere at a lower rent.
inexpensive especially written not expensive – use this especially about things that are of good quality, even though they do not cost a lot: The furniture is inexpensive, but well made. | a simple inexpensive meal | a hotel that offers air-conditioned rooms at relatively inexpensive prices
reasonable a reasonable price seems fair because it is not too high: The restaurant serves good food at reasonable prices. | Only £25 a night? That sounds reasonable.
economical cheap because you do not need to use a lot of money or fuel: an economical car | It is usually more economical to buy in large quantities.
affordable cheap enough for most people to be able to buy or pay for: affordable housing | Single mothers often have trouble finding affordable childcare. | The shop sells designer fashions at affordable prices.
competitive competitive prices and rates are as low as those charged by other shops or companies: I think you’ll find our prices are extremely competitive. | The hotel offers a high standard of service at very competitive rates.
budget [only before noun] budget flights, airlines, hotels etc have specially low prices: You can get a budget flight to Amsterdam for only £19. | a list of budget hotels for under $50 a night | budget accommodation for families with young children
be good/great value to be worth at least the price you pay for it, so that you feel pleased and think you have spent your money well: The meals at Charlie’s Pizza are really good value. | The holiday is great value for money.
be a bargain informal to be extremely cheap: I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real bargain.

tính từ
thận trọng trong việc chi tiêu tiền, thời gian.. và trong việc sử dụng các nguồn tiềm lực, không lãng phí; tiết kiệm
an economical car to run
một chiếc xe ô tô chạy tiết kiệm xăng
she's economical with/in her use of salt when cooking
cô ấy hạn chế dùng muối khi nấu ăn
an economical style of writing
một cách viết tiết kiệm lời (không lãng phí từ ngữ)

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