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I.economy1 S2 W1 AC /ɪˈkɒnəmi $ ɪˈkɑː-/ BrE AmE noun (plural economies)
[Word Family: noun: ↑economics, ↑economist, ↑economy; adjective: ↑economic, ↑economicalUNECONOMIC(AL), ↑economy; verb: ↑economize; adverb: ↑economically ≠ ↑uneconomically]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: French; Origin: Greek oikonomia, from oikonomos 'manager of a house']
1. [countable] the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way:
a successful economy
the slowdown in the Japanese economy
2. [countable] something that you do in order to spend less money:
The council must make economies to meet government spending targets.
Not insuring your belongings is a false economy (=it is cheaper but could have bad results).
3. [uncountable] the careful use of money, time, goods etc so that nothing is wasted:
The gas fire was turned low for reasons of economy.
The company announced that it would cut 500 jobs as part of an economy drive (=a way to save money).
4. economies of scale technical the financial advantages of producing something in very large quantities
⇨ ↑black economy, ↑market economy, ↑mixed economy
• • •
strong/healthy/sound The new government inherited a strong economy.
weak/ailing/depressed The economy is weak and consumer confidence is low.
fragile (=weak and likely to become worse) The country’s fragile economy depends almost exclusively on tourism.
stable (=steady, rather than being strong then weak) The economy has been relatively stable for the last two or three years.
stagnant (=bad and not progressing or improving) Measures aimed at reviving the stagnant economy are not working.
a flagging economy (=starting to become weaker) The government must take action to boost the flagging economy.
a booming economy (=extremely strong and successful) What can we learn from China’s booming economy?
the world/global economy Rising oil prices threaten the world economy.
the local/national/domestic economy (=in one particular country or area) The new factory has given a massive boost to the local economy.
the British/American/Japanese etc economy The Japanese economy is showing signs of recovery.
a large/powerful economy the world’s two most powerful economies
a small economy Small economies like Kenya might struggle to survive in a global recession.
a developing economy (=one that is getting stronger and starting to include more modern industries) Many developing economies are investing in sources of renewable energy.
an industrial economy (=one that is based mainly on industries producing goods or materials) Expectations for growth in the main industrial economies remain low.
an agricultural/a rural economy (=one that is based mainly on farming) The early 1920s saw a rapid expansion in the American agricultural economy.
a service economy (=one that is based mainly on selling services such as insurance or tourism) Britain has shifted from a manufacturing to a service economy.
a market/free-market economy (=based on companies producing and selling products freely, without restrictions) Eastern European countries were gradually making the transition to a market economy.
a capitalist/socialist economy (=based on a capitalist or socialist political system) the large capitalist economies of western Europe
the black economy especially British English (=business activity in which people buy and sell goods illegally, without paying tax) Illegal immigrants have to seek work in the black economy.
manage/handle the economy Governments are judged on how well they manage the economy.
develop/expand the economy The tax cut should help to expand the economy.
boost the economy (=make it stronger) It is hoped that the Olympic Games will boost the country’s economy.
harm/damage the economy (=make it less successful) Sanctions have damaged the economy.
destroy the economy The floods last year destroyed the region’s economy.
the economy develops/expands/grows (=becomes more successful) The economy grew by 3% last year.
the economy booms (=becomes very successful very quickly) The economy is booming and share prices are at an all-time high.
the economy slows down The US economy is slowing down after a long period of growth.
the economy recovers (=returns to normal condition after a period of trouble or difficulty) The economy is beginning to recover from the recession.
II.economy2 BrE AmE adjective

[Word Family: noun
: ↑economics, ↑economist, ↑economy; adjective
: ↑economic, ↑economicalUNECONOMIC(AL), ↑economy; verb: ↑economize; adverb: ↑economically ≠ ↑uneconomically]
economy size/pack a product that is cheaper because you are buying a larger amount

danh từ
sự kiểm soát và quản lý tiền, tiềm lực của một cộng đồng, xã hội, gia đình.......
political economy
kinh tế chính trị
domestic economy
kinh tế trong nước
sự tiết kiệm (thì giờ, tiền của...)
To practise economy
thực hành tiết kiệm
It's an economy to buy good shoes: They cost more,but they last much longer than cheap ones
Mua giày tốt là một việc làm tiết kiệm: Chúng đắt tiền hơn, nhưng dùng được lâu hơn so vơi giày rẻ tiền
We're having an economy drive at school
Chúng ta đang có một cuộc thi đua tiết kiệm ở trường học
an economy pack
một lô hàng tiết kiệm (bán giảm giá)
economy class
hạng rẻ nhất (của vé máy bay)
(the economy) hoạt động và việc quản lý cung cấp tiền, thương mại và công nghiệp của một đất nước; hệ thống kinh tế
The state of the economy is very worrying
Tình trạng của nền kinh tế rất đáng lo ngại
The economies of Japan and China
Các nền kinh tế Nhật Bản và Trung Quốc

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