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fortune S3 W3 /ˈfɔːtʃən $ ˈfɔːr-/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun: ↑fortune, ↑misfortune, ↑unfortunate; adverb: ↑fortunately ≠ ↑unfortunately; adjective: ↑fortunate ≠ ↑unfortunate]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: French; Origin: Latin fortuna]
1. MONEY [countable] a very large amount of money:
He made a fortune selling property in Spain.
My first painting sold for £25, a small fortune then for an art student.
He died in poverty in 1947, but his art is worth a fortune.
The carpet must have cost a fortune.
It is quite easy to decorate your house without spending a fortune.
Her personal fortune was estimated at £37 million.
2. CHANCE [uncountable] chance or luck, and the effect that it has on your life:
I had the good fortune to work with a brilliant head of department.
Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.
I felt it was useless to struggle against fortune.
3. WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU [countable usually plural] the good or bad things that happen in life:
a downturn in the company’s fortunes
This defeat marked a change in the team’s fortunes.
The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war (=the things that can happen during a war).
4. tell sb’s fortune to tell someone what will happen to them in the future by looking at their hands, using cards etc
⇨ ↑soldier of fortune, ⇨ fame and fortune at ↑fame, ⇨ a hostage to fortune at ↑hostage(3), ⇨ seek your fortune at ↑seek(4)
• • •
make a fortune (also amass a fortune
formal) (=gain a lot of money) His family amassed a fortune during that period.
make your fortune (=become rich) She made her fortune in the cosmetics industry.
earn a fortune He hopes to earn a fortune from his latest invention.
lose a fortune (=lose a lot of money) He lost a fortune in an unwise business deal.
cost a fortune (=be very expensive) It’ll cost a fortune if we go by taxi.
spend a fortune You don’t have to spend a fortune giving your family healthy meals.
pay a fortune (=pay a lot of money) We had to pay a fortune in rent.
inherit a fortune (=gain a lot of money after someone dies) He inherited a fortune of a million pounds from his uncle.
leave somebody a fortune (=arrange for someone to receive a lot of money after you die) He left his wife a modest fortune.
a huge/vast/immense fortune Timothy was the heir to a vast fortune.
a large/substantial/considerable fortune His father, an oil magnate, amassed a large fortune.
a small fortune (=a very large amount of money) He made a small fortune in the London property boom.
a personal/private fortune She is one of the richest women in Britain, with an estimated personal fortune of £90 million.
a £20 million/$40 million etc fortune She is believed to have a £25 million fortune.
be worth a fortune informal: The building itself is worth a fortune.

danh từ
vận (may hay rủi)
by a stroke of (good) fortune, he won the competition
do một chút may mắn, anh ta đã chiến thắng cuộc đua
to be a victim of ill fortune
là nạn nhân của vận rủi
I'd the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad
tôi có may mắn được chọn cho đi nước ngoài
to try one's fortune
cầu may
the party's fortunes were at their lowest level after the election defeat
vận may của đảng lúc đó ở mức thấp nhất sau thất bại bầu cử
vận mệnh hoặc tương lai của một con người; số phận
to tell someone's fortune; to tell someone his fortune
đoán số của ai
to tell fortunes
bói toán; làm nghề bói toán
to have one's fortune told
xem bói (hỏi ý kiến thầy bói)
sự giàu có, sự thịnh vượng; của cải, cơ đồ
to make one's fortune
phát đạt, phát tài
he made a considerable fortune selling waste materials
anh ta giàu to nhờ buôn bán vật liệu phế thải
to marry a fortune
lấy vợ giàu
to inherit a large fortune
thừa kế một gia sản lớn
a soldier of fortune
lính đánh thuê
fortune favours the bold
có gan thì làm giàu
to try the fortune of war
thử liều chinh chiến (để xây dựng cơ đồ)
a hostage to fortune
con tin có tính cách quyết định
to seek one's fortune
tìm vận may, cầu may
a small fortune
nhiều tiền
the car cost me a small fortune
chiếc xe hơi này tôi phải mất nhiều tiền mới mua được
nội động từ
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ), (thơ ca) may; xảy ra
it fortuned that he was at home then
may mà lúc ấy anh ta lại có ở nhà

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