Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

glove S3 /ɡlʌv/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: glof]

1. a piece of clothing that you wear on your hand in order to protect it or keep it warm ⇨ mitten:
a pair of gloves
boxing gloves
rubber/leather etc gloves
2. the gloves are off used to say that people are ready to begin a fight or argument
fit (somebody) like a glove at ↑fit1(1), ⇨ hand in glove at ↑hand1(34)
• • •
wear gloves Always wear gloves when gardening.
put on/pull on your gloves Eleanor put on her gloves and stood up.
take off your gloves Mr Brownlow took off his gloves.
a pair of gloves Forbes pulled on a pair of black leather gloves.
rubber/leather/woollen etc gloves Dr McIntyre was slowly removing his rubber gloves.
boxing gloves The trainer laced up Mike's boxing gloves.
a baseball glove He rubbed oil into his baseball glove to make it softer.
surgical gloves (=special gloves worn by doctors) Surgical gloves help prevent the spread of germs.
gardening gloves Gardening gloves protect your hands from being scratched or stung.
an oven glove BrE: Paul used the oven glove to take the hot tray out of the oven.
protective gloves Protective gloves and a safety helmet are worn to minimize injury.
disposable gloves (=that you throw away after use) Nurses must wear disposable gloves when handling patients.
left-hand/right-hand glove A left-hand glove was found at the scene of the crime.



We wear gloves to protect our hands.

danh từ
bao tay, tất tay, găng
to be hand in glove with
rất thân với; cộng tác với; ăn cánh với
to take off the gloves to someone
tranh luận (đấu tranh) với ai; đối xử thẳng tay với ai
to fit like a glove
vừa như in, vừa khít
to take up the glove
nhận lời thách thức
to throw down the glove
thách thức
an iron fist/hand in a velvet glove
xem hand
ngoại động từ
mang bao tay vào, đeo găng vào

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