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hostage /ˈhɒstɪdʒ $ ˈhɑː-/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: hoste; ⇨ ↑host1]
1. someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands ⇨ kidnap:
The group are holding two tourists hostage (=keeping them as hostages).
a family taken hostage at gunpoint
2. be (a) hostage to something to be influenced and controlled by something, so that you are not free to do what you want:
Our country must not be held hostage to our past.
3. a hostage to fortune something that you have promised to do that may cause you problems in the future
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prisoner someone who is kept in a prison as a punishment for a crime, or while they are waiting for their ↑trial: Prisoners may be locked in their cells for twenty-two hours a day. | a prisoner serving a life sentence for murder
convict especially written someone who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to a prison. Convict is used especially about someone who is sent to prison for a long time. It is more commonly used in historical descriptions, or in the phrase an escaped convict: The convicts were sent from England to Australia. | Police were hunting for an escaped convict. | Low-risk convicts help to fight forest fires and clean up public lands.
inmate someone who is kept in a prison or a mental hospital: Some inmates are allowed to have special privileges. | He was described by a fellow inmate as a quiet man.
captive especially literary someone who is kept somewhere and not allowed to go free, especially in a war or fighting. Captive is a rather formal word which is used especially in literature: Their objective was to disarm the enemy and release the captives. | She was held captive (=kept as a prisoner) in the jungle for over three years.
prisoner of war a soldier, member of the navy etc who is caught by the enemy during a war and kept in the enemy’s country: My grandad was a prisoner of war in Germany. | They agreed to release two Iranian prisoners of war.
hostage someone who is kept somewhere as a prisoner, in order to force people to agree to do something, for example in order to get money or to achive a political aim: Diplomats are continuing their efforts to secure the release of the hostages. | The US hostages were held in Tehran for over a year.
detainee/internee someone who is kept in a prison, usually because of their political views and often without a trial: In some cases, political detainees have been beaten or mistreated. | 23,531 people passed through the camps between 1944 and 1962, including 14,647 political internees. | the detainees at Guantanamo Bay

danh từ
con tin
the hijackers kept the pilot on board the plane as (a) hostage
bọn không tặc bắt người phi công trên phi cơ làm con tin
hostage to fortune
người hoặc vật mà mình có được và rồi có thể đau khổ nếu bị mất đi (nhất là vợ chồng con cái); con tin định mệnh
to take/hold somebody hostage
bắt/giữ ai làm con tin
the gunman is holding two children hostage in the building
tên cướp có súng đang giữ hai đứa trẻ làm con tin trong toà nhà đó

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