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hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl $ ˈhɑːstl, ˈhɑːstaɪl/ BrE AmE adjective
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: Latin hostilis, from hostis 'stranger, enemy']
1. angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them:
Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception.
Carr wouldn’t meet Feng’s stare, which was openly hostile.
his hostile attitude
hostile to/towards
The boy feels hostile towards his father.
2. opposing a plan or idea very strongly
hostile to/towards
Senator Lydon was hostile to our proposals.
3. belonging to an enemy:
hostile territory
4. used to describe conditions that are difficult to live in, or that make it difficult to achieve something
hostile environment/climate/terrain etc
a guide to surviving in even the most hostile terrain
Sales increased last year despite the hostile economic environment.
5. hostile takeover/bid a situation in which a company tries to buy another company that does not want to be bought
• • •
unfriendly/not friendly behaving towards someone in a way that shows you are not interested in them or are not ready to talk to them or help them: The hotel staff were unfriendly and unhelpful. | an unfriendly tone of voice | They didn't seem very friendly to strangers. | She gave him an unfriendly glance.
hostile very unfriendly, and ready to argue or fight: He was openly hostile towards me when I arrived. | A hostile crowd gathered oustide the US embassy.
cold behaving towards other people as if you do not like them or care about them: He gave her a cold stare. | a cold voice
frosty unfriendly, especially because you are angry with someone: When she spoke, her tone was frosty. | He got a frosty reception from his wife when he finally returned home (=she was not very friendly towards him).
aloof [not before noun] not wanting to talk to other people or spend time with them, especially because you think you are better than them: Some politicians are criticized for being too aloof.
antagonistic unfriendly and always trying to start arguments with someone: Why are Kate and John so antagonistic towards each other?
antisocial not interested in meeting other people or forming friendly relationships with them: Sorry if I'm being antisocial, but I need to get my work done. | He was an antisocial loner with no friends.

tính từ
(hostile to / towards somebody / something) căm ghét; thù địch
a hostile glance, reception
cái nhìn, sự tiếp đón hằn học
hostile forces
các lực lượng thù địch
hostile aircraft
máy bay của quân địch; máy bay địch
hostile attitude
thái độ thù địch
to be hostile to reform
chống đối sự cải tổ
danh từ
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) kẻ thù; kẻ địch

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