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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

symbol W3 AC /ˈsɪmbəl/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑symbol, ↑symbolism; verb: ↑symbolize; adverb: ↑symbolically; adjective: ↑symbolic]
[Word Family: noun: ↑symbol, ↑symbolism; verb: ↑symbolize; adverb: ↑symbolically; adjective: ↑symbolic]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: symbolum, from Greek symbolon 'proof of who someone is, checked by comparing its other half', from symballein 'to throw together, compare', from syn- ( ⇨ ↑syn-) + ballein 'to throw']
1. a picture or shape that has a particular meaning or represents a particular organization or idea ⇨ sign:
The symbol on the packet is a guarantee that the food has been produced organically.
symbol of
The dove is a symbol of peace.
2. a letter, number, or sign that represents a sound, an amount, a chemical substance etc
symbol for
Fe is the chemical symbol for iron.
3. someone or something that represents a particular quality or idea
symbol of
Space exploration provides a symbol of national pride.
⇨ ↑sex symbol

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