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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.unfortunate1 S3 /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənət $ -ˈfɔːr-/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑fortune, ↑misfortune, ↑unfortunate; adverb: ↑fortunately ≠ ↑unfortunately; adjective: ↑fortunate ≠ ↑unfortunate]
1. someone who is unfortunate has something bad happen to them:
When we entered the room, the teacher was yelling at some unfortunate student.
2. an unfortunate situation, condition, quality etc is one that you wish was different:
an unfortunate turn of events
He has an unfortunate habit of repeating himself.
it is unfortunate (that)
It’s unfortunate that so few people seem willing to help.
It’s most unfortunate (=very unfortunate) that your father can’t come to the wedding.
3. happening because of bad luck:
an unfortunate accident
4. formal unfortunate behaviour, remarks etc make people feel embarrassed or offended:
an unfortunate choice of words
• • •
unlucky having bad luck, or causing bad luck: Matthews played well and was unlucky not to score. | Thirteen is an unlucky number. | We were unlucky with the weather. It rained almost every day.
unfortunate unlucky because something bad happens to you that you do not deserve. Unfortunate sounds rather formal and is used mainly in writing: He was very unfortunate to lose his job just after his wife had a baby. | the unfortunate victims of crime
be/bring bad luck if something is bad luck or brings bad luck, it is believed to make bad things happen: It’s supposed to be bad luck to walk under a ladder. | Crows were thought to bring bad luck.
jinxed if something is jinxed, it seems to bring bad luck to everyone who is connected with it. If a person is jinxed, a lot of bad things happen to them and they seem very unlucky: I’m beginning to think this house is jinxed. | Some people believed the family was jinxed.
II.unfortunate2 BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑fortune, ↑misfortune, ↑unfortunate; adverb: ↑fortunately ≠ ↑unfortunately; adjective: ↑fortunate ≠ ↑unfortunate]
literary someone who has no money, home, job etc

tính từ
có hoặc gây ra điều không may; rủi ro; bất hạnh
I was unfortunate enough to lose my keys
tôi không may đánh mất chìa khoá
an unfortune expedition
một chuyến đi rủi ro
an unfortunate event
việc rủi ro
không thích hợp hoặc đáng tiếc
a most unfortunate choice of words
một sự chọn từ rất không thích hợp
an unfortunate remark/coincidence/mishap
một nhận xét/sự trùng hợp/rủi ro đáng tiếc
it's unfortunate that you missed the meeting
thật đáng tiếc là ông đã bỏ lỡ cuộc họp
danh từ
người bất hạnh, người khốn khổ, kẻ không may; người không thành đạt
unlike many other poor unfortunates, I do have a job
không như nhiều người bất hạnh khốn khổ khác, tôi có việc làm thật sự

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