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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.white1 S1 W1 /waɪt/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑white, ↑whiteness, ↑whitener; verb: ↑whiten; adjective: ↑white]
[Language: Old English; Origin: hwit]
1. COLOUR having the colour of milk, salt, or snow:
a white dress
pure/snow white (=completely white)
snow white hair
a) belonging to the race of people with pale skin ⇨ black:
young white males
b) relating to white people:
a white neighborhood
3. PALE looking pale, because of illness, strong emotion etc:
Are you OK? You’re white as a sheet (=extremely pale).
white with anger/fear etc
Her voice shook, and her face was white with anger.
4. COFFEE [usually before noun] British English white coffee has milk or cream in it
5. WINE white wine is a pale yellow colour ⇨ red
6. a white Christmas a Christmas when there is snow
7. whiter than white completely morally good:
He said that he had never claimed to be whiter than white.
—whiteness noun
II.white2 S3 W2 BrE AmE noun

[Word Family: noun: ↑white, ↑whiteness, ↑whitener; verb: ↑whiten; adjective: ↑white]
1. COLOUR [uncountable] the colour of milk, salt, and snow
2. PEOPLE [countable] (also White) someone who belongs to the race of people with pale skin ⇨ black:
The mayor is very popular among whites.
3. WINE [uncountable and countable] wine that is pale yellow in colour:
a nice bottle of white
California has some of the finest whites in the world.
4. EYE [countable + of] the white part of your eye
EGG [uncountable and countable] the part of an egg that surrounds the ↑yolk (=yellow part) and becomes white when cooked
6. whites [plural]
a) white clothes, sheets etc, which are separated from dark colours when they are washed
b) white clothes that are worn for some sports, such as ↑tennis
III.white3 BrE AmE verb

white something ↔ out phrasal verb

to cover something written on paper, especially a mistake, with a special white liquid so that it cannot be seen any more



Snow is white.

tính từ
trắng, bạch, bạc
white hair
tóc bạc
tái mét, xanh nhợt, trắng bệch
to turn (go) white
tái đi, nhợt nhạt
to bleed somebody white
(nghĩa bóng) lấy sạch tiền của ai
to be as white as a sheet
xanh như tàu lá
trong, không màu sắc (nước, không khí...)
(nghĩa bóng) ngây thơ, trong trắng; tinh, sạch, sạch sẽ; (nghĩa bóng) vô tội
to have white hands
có tay sạch; (nghĩa bóng) vô tội; lương thiện
(chính trị) (thuộc) phái quân chủ; phản cách mạng, phản động
white elephant
voi trắng
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) vật cồng kềnh đắt tiền mà không có ích gì lắm
to show the white feather
(xem) feather
white light
ánh sáng mặt trời
(nghĩa bóng) nhận xét khách quan
white war
chiến tranh không đổ máu, chiến tranh kinh tế
while witch
thầy phù thuỷ chỉ làm điều thiện
danh từ
màu trắng
sắc tái, sự tái nhợt
her face was a deadly white
mặt cô ta tái nhợt di như thây ma
vải trắng, quần áo trắng, đồ trắng
to be dressed in white
mặc đồ trắng
lòng trắng (trứng); tròng trắng (mắt)
the white of an egg
lòng trắng trứng
the white of the eye
tròng trắng mắt
bột trắng (mì, đại mạch...)
người da trắng
(y học) khí hư

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