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year S1 W1 /jɪə, jɜː $ jɪr/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑year; adverb: ↑yearly; adjective: ↑yearly]
[Language: Old English; Origin: gear]
1. 12 MONTHS a period of about 365 days or 12 months, measured from any particular time:
I arrived here two years ago.
We’ve known each other for over a year.
It’s almost a year since Sue died.
Jodi is 15 years old.
a three-year business plan
a four-year-old child
be 12/21 etc years of age (=be 12/21 etc years old) ⇨ ↑financial year, ↑fiscal year, ↑light year, ↑tax year
2. JANUARY TO DECEMBER (also calendar year) a period of 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st:
the year that Kennedy died
in the year 1785
this/last/next year
They moved here at the beginning of this year.
last year’s cup final
She goes there every year.
The museum attracts 100,000 visitors a year.
in the early years of last century ⇨ ↑leap year, ↑New Year
3. years
a) informal a very long period of time SYN ages:
It’s years since I rode a bike.
in/for years
I haven’t been there for years.
It was the first time in years I’d seen her.
b) age, especially old age
a man/woman/person etc of his/her etc years
Gordon is very active for a man of his years.
getting on in years (=no longer young)
4. all (the) year round during the whole year:
It’s warm enough to swim all year round. ⇨ ↑year-round
5. year by year as each year passes:
Business has steadily increased year by year.
6. year after year/year in, year out every year for many years:
Many birds return to the same spot year after year.
7. PERIOD OF LIFE/HISTORY years [plural] a particular period of time in someone’s life or in history:
the difficult years following the war
Sheila enjoyed her years as a student in Oxford.
8. the school/academic year the time within a period of 12 months when students are studying at a school or university
9. SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY LEVEL especially British English a particular level that a student stays at for one year:
a group of year seven students
in a year
He was in my year at school.
10. first/second etc year British English someone who is in their first etc year at school or university:
The department offers a study skills programme for all first years.
11. musician/player/car etc of the year the musician etc who was voted the best in a particular year
vote/name something ... of the year
The new Renault was voted car of the year.
12. year on year compared with the previous year:
Sales rose by 39 per cent year on year.
13. never/not in a million years spoken used to say that something is extremely unlikely:
Never in a million years did I think we’d lose.
14. the year dot British English informal a very long time ago:
Scientists have been involved in war since the year dot.
15. put years on somebody/take years off somebody to make someone look or feel older or younger:
Tina’s divorce has put years on her.
donkey’s years at ↑donkey(2)
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
this year She will be eight this year.
next year I might go to law school next year.
last year Last year we spent a lot on the house.
every year They go back to the same resort every year.
the current year The budget for the current year was £13 million.
the coming year (=the year that is about to start) Here are some events to look out for in the coming year.
the past year Over the past year everyone has worked extremely hard.
the previous year They had married the previous year.
the following year The following year he was made captain of the team.
the new year (=used to talk about the beginning of the next year) The report is due at the beginning of the new year.
the beginning/start of the year They moved here at the beginning of last year.
the end of the year Work should finish around the end of the year.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 7)
early years Little is known about his early years. | He remembers the early years of television.
the last/latter/closing years of something He changed his opinion during the last years of his life.
somebody's childhood/teenage years the home in which she spent her childhood years
the war years She worked for the BBC during the war years.
the boom years (=when an economy or industry is very successful) In the boom years, things weren't too bad.
somebody's retirement years He enjoyed his retirement years in Wales.
the Bush/Blair etc years (=when Bush, Blair etc was leader) The rich did very nicely during the Thatcher years.
in recent years The number of cases has risen dramatically in recent years.
in later years In later years he regretted their argument.
in years gone by (=in the past) The old fort defended the island in years gone by.
Do not say 'in ancient years' or 'in the ancient years'. Say in ancient times or long ago.



A year consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days.

danh từ
thời gian trái đất dùng để quay một vòng quanh mặt trời, khoảng 365 ngày; năm
(cũng) calendar year khoảng thời gian từ 1 tháng giêng đến 31 tháng mười hai, tức là 365 ngày (hay 366 trong năm nhuận) chia ra 12 tháng; năm; năm lịch
in the year 1945
trong năm 1945
this year
năm nay
the year after next
sang năm nữa
a good year for cheap vegetables
một năm rau rẻ mạt (rau được mùa nên giá rất hạ)
the academic year
năm học
the financial/fiscal/tax year
năm tài chính/tiền tệ/thuế
first-year students
các sinh viên năm thứ nhất
solar year
năm dương lịch
lunar year
năm âm lịch
một thời kỳ 365 ngày liên tục
it's just a year (today) since I arrived here
(đến hôm nay) đã đúng một năm từ khi tôi đến đây
I arrived a year ago (today)
ngày này năm ngoái tôi đã đến đây
she's worked there for ten years
chị ấy làm việc ở đó đã được mười năm
in a year's time they're getting married
họ lấy nhau trong khoảng thời gian một năm
a five-year forecast
sự dự báo cho năm năm
in the year one
vào năm đầu công lịch; (nghĩa bóng) ngày xửa ngày xưa
(số nhiều) tuổi
twenty years old/of age
hai mươi tuổi
a seventy-year-old man
một cụ già 70 tuổi
she looks young for her years/for a woman of her years
bà ấy trông còn trẻ so với tuổi/so với phụ nữ cùng tuổi
he died in his sixtieth year
ông ấy từ trần vào tuổi sáu mươi
the weight of years
ảnh hưởng của tuổi tác, tuổi già sức yếu
well on in years
đứng tuổi
advanced in years
già, có tuổi
to die full of years
chết già
old beyond one's years
già trước tuổi
to put years on somebody
làm cho ai già đi
to take years off somebody
làm cho ai trẻ ra
(số nhiều) (thông tục) một thời gian dài; lâu rồi; nhiều năm
I've worked for this firm for years (and years)
tôi làm việc cho công ty này nhiều năm rồi
it's years since we last met
đã lâu rồi kể từ ngày chúng ta gặp nhau lần cuối
it heaps years on me
cái đó làm cho tôi chán lắm; cái đó làm phiền tôi
age/years of discretion
tuổi khôn lớn, tuổi trưởng thành
all (the) year round
quanh năm suốt tháng
he swims in the sea all year round
anh ấy tắm biển quanh năm suốt tháng
donkey's years
một thời gian rất dài
man/woman/car... of the year
người hoặc vật nổi bật trong năm
TV personality of the year
nhân vật truyền hình nổi bật trong năm
not/never in a hundred years
dứt khoát không bao giờ
to ring out the old year and ring in the new
thông báo năm cũ kết thúc và chào mừng năm mới
the year dot
cách đây rất lâu
I've been going there every summer since the year dot
cách đây rất lâu, tôi thường đến đó mỗi mùa hè
the turn of the year/century
xem turn

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