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I.young1 S1 W1 /jʌŋ/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative younger, superlative youngest)
[Word Family: noun: ↑young, ↑youngster, ↑youth, ↑youthfulness; adjective: ↑young, ↑youthful; adverb: ↑youthfully]
[Language: Old English; Origin: geong]

1. a young person, plant, or animal has not lived for very long:
a young child
He’s younger than me.
You’re too young to get married.
young trees
When I was young, I wanted to be a model.
John was a great footballer in his younger days (=when he was younger).
2. a young country, organization, or type of science has existed for only a short time:
At that time, America was still a young nation.
Psychology is a young science.
3. young lady/man spoken used to speak to a girl or boy when you are angry with them:
Now, you listen to me, young man!
4. seeming or looking younger than you are SYN youthful:
Val is incredibly young for her age.
5. young at heart thinking and behaving as if you were young, even though you are old
6. 65/82/97 etc years young spoken used humorously to give the age of an old person who seems or feels much younger:
Next week, Bessie will be 84 years young.
7. designed or intended for young people:
I’m looking for something in a younger style.
8. young gun/Turk a young person who has just started doing a job or being involved in something, and is eager to achieve things or make changes
9. somebody is not getting any younger used to say that someone is no longer young, especially when they may soon be too old to do something
• • •
young not old: a young man of about 22 | My dad died when I was young. | There are excellent facilities for young children. | Young people are often unable to get jobs.
small/little a small child is very young. Little sounds more informal than small, and is used especially in spoken English: They have two small children. | We used to go camping a lot when the kids were little.
teenage [only before noun] between the ages of 13 and 19: a group of teenage boys | They have three teenage children.
adolescent especially written at the age when you change from being a child into an adult – used especially when talking about the problems that young people have at this age: Sudden mood changes are common in adolescent girls. | adolescent behaviour
juvenile /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl $ -nəl, -naɪl/ [only before noun] formal connected with young people who commit crime: juvenile crime | a special prison for juvenile offenders | juvenile deliquents (=young people who commit crimes)
youthful especially written seeming young, or typical of someone who is young – often used about someone who is no longer young: a youthful 55 year old | youthful enthusiasm | Andrew still has a slim youthful look about him. | The photograph showed a youthful, smiling Rose.
junior connected with sports played by young people rather than adults: the junior championships | the junior champion
small/little child/girl/boy
teenage girl/boy/daughter/mother/pregnancy
juvenile crime/offence/court/offender/delinquent
youthful enthusiasm/energy/face/look/appearance
when you are young
childhood the time when you are a child, especially a young child: I had a wonderful childhood in the country. | childhood illnesses
girlhood/boyhood the time when you are a young girl or boy: The two men had been friends in boyhood. | the transition from girlhood to womanhood
youth the time when you are young, especially between about 15 and 25 when you are no longer a child: He was a great sportsman in his youth. | She revisited all the places where she had spent her youth.
adolescence the time when you are changing from being a child into an adult – used especially when you are talking about the problems people have at this age: During adolescence, boys are often lacking in self-confidence.
infancy formal the time when you are a baby: In the past, many more babies died in infancy.
II.young2 BrE AmE noun

[Word Family: noun
: ↑young, ↑youngster, ↑youth, ↑youthfulness; adjective: ↑young, ↑youthful; adverb: ↑youthfully]
1. the young young people:
The young are easily misled.
2. [plural] a group of young animals that belong to a particular mother or type of animal:
The lioness fought to protect her young.
• • •
baby a very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk: I sat next to a woman holding a baby.
toddler a baby who has learned how to walk: The playground has a special area for toddlers.
infant formal a baby or a very young child: The disease is mainly found in infants.
little one spoken informal a baby, or a small child up to the age of about three: How old is your little one?
young the babies of an animal or bird: Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch.
litter a group of baby animals that are born at the same time to the same mother: Our cat has just had a litter of six kittens.



When someone or something is young, it has only been around for a short time. A baby is young.

tính từ
trẻ; non; trẻ tuổi; nhỏ tuổi
a young man
một thanh niên
young people
thanh niên
his (her) young woman (man)
người yêu của nó
a young family
gia đình có nhiều con nhỏ
a young person
người đàn bà trẻ tuổi thuộc tầng lớp dưới (trong ngôn ngữ những người ở của các gia đình tư sản quý tộc Anh)
the young person
người còn ngây thơ cần giữ không cho nghe những điều tục tĩu
young tree
cây non
(nghĩa bóng) non trẻ, trẻ tuổi
a young republic
nước cộng hoà non trẻ
he is young for his age
nó còn non so với tuổi, nó trẻ hơn tuổi
(nghĩa bóng) non nớt, mới mẻ, chưa có kinh nghiệm
young in mind
trí óc còn non nớt
young in crime
chưa từng gây tội ác
young in business
chưa có kinh nghiệm kinh doanh
(nghĩa bóng) còn sớm, còn ở lúc ban đầu, chưa muộn, chưa quá, chưa già
the night is young yet
đêm chưa khuya
young moon
trăng non
autumn is still young
thu hãy còn đang ở lúc đầu mùa
của tuổi trẻ, của thời thanh niên, của thời niên thiếu, (thuộc) thế hệ trẻ
young hope
hy vọng của tuổi trẻ
in one's young days
trong thời kỳ thanh xuân, trong lúc tuổi còn trẻ
(thông tục) con, nhỏ
young Smith
thằng Xmít con, cậu Xmít
an angry young man
người trẻ tuổi bất bình trước những cảnh chướng tai gai mắt trong xã hội, và mong muốn góp phần canh tân xã hội
not so young as one used to be
không còn trẻ như ngày nào
not to get any younger
đã luống tuổi, đã già giặn
young and old (alike)
cả người lớn lẫn trẻ em; già trẻ lớn bé
this is a film for young and old (alike)
phim này lứa tuổi nào xem cũng được (bất kể già trẻ lớn bé)
young at heart
có tâm hồn trẻ trung (dù lớn tuổi, nhưng vẫn cảm thấy hoặc cư xử (như) mình còn trẻ); trẻ trung trong tâm hồn
an old head on young shoulders
còn trẻ nhưng có suy nghĩ già giặn, già giặn trước tuổi
the young idea
tầng lớp trẻ tuổi, tầng lớp thanh niên
young lady/young man
người bạn gái/người bạn trai
you're only young once
tuổi trẻ có thì, tuổi xuân chỉ có một thời mà thôi
danh từ
thú con, chim con (mới đẻ)
to be with young
(nói về thú vật) có chửa
(the young) những người trẻ tuổi được xem như một nhóm; thanh niên
the young in our society need care and protection
thanh niên trong xã hội ta cần được chăm sóc và bảo vệ

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