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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.fresh1 S2 W2 /freʃ/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑freshness, ↑refreshment, refreshments, refresher; adverb: ↑freshly, freshingly, ↑refreshingly; adjective: ↑fresh, ↑refreshing, ↑refreshed; verb: ↑freshen, ↑refresh]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: freis]
1. NEW adding to or replacing something:
I’ll just make some fresh coffee.
The report provides fresh evidence about the way the business was run.
You’ll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper.
2. NEW AND INTERESTING good or interesting because it has not been done, seen etc before:
Ryan will bring a fresh approach to the job.
We need some fresh ideas.
Let’s take a fresh look at the problem.
3. RECENT done, experienced, or having happened recently:
There were fresh fox tracks around the hen huts.
The accident was still fresh in her mind.
4. a fresh start when you start something again in a completely new and different way after being unsuccessful:
I hope Jim and I can get back together and make a fresh start.
a) fresh food has recently been picked or prepared, and is not frozen or preserved
fresh fruit/vegetables/fish/bread etc
The beans are fresh from the garden.
b) fresh flowers have recently been picked
6. fresh air air from outside, especially clean air:
Let’s open the windows and have some fresh air in here!breath of fresh air at ↑breath(2)
7. fresh water fresh water contains no salt and comes from rivers and lakes ⇨ saltwater
8. TASTE/SMELL ETC [usually before noun] pleasantly clean or cool:
a fresh minty taste
It’s a light, fresh wine.
9. APPEARANCE pleasant, bright, and clean OPP dull:
The kitchen is decorated in fresh blues and greens.
She has brown hair, hazel eyes and a fresh complexion.
10. WEATHER if the wind is fresh, it is quite cold and strong:
a fresh breeze
11. NOT TIRED [not usually before noun] full of energy because you are not tired:
She always seems fresh and lively, even at the end of the day.
Despite his busy day he arrived looking as fresh as a daisy (=not tired and ready to do things).
12. fresh from something
a) (also fresh out of something American English) having just finished your education or training, and not having a lot of experience:
He’s fresh out of law school.
b) having just come from a particular place or experience:
The team is fresh from their victory over the French.
13. get/be fresh with somebody old-fashioned to behave rudely in a way which shows sexual interest, or lack of respect
—freshness noun
the freshness of the early morning
the freshness and vitality of youth
• • •
new: a new sports centre | a new edition of the book | an entirely new theory of time and space
brand new completely new: a brand new car | The house looks brand new.
recent made, produced etc a short time ago: recent research into brain chemistry
the latest [only before noun] the most recent: Have you seen his latest film? | the latest fashions from Paris
modern different from earlier things of the same kind because of using new methods, equipment, or designs: modern technology | modern farming methods | a modern kitchen
original new and completely different from what other people have done or thought of before, especially in a way that seems interesting: The play is highly original. | His style is completely original.
fresh fresh ideas, evidence, or ways of doing things are new and different, and are used instead of previous ones: We need a fresh approach to the problem. | They want young people with fresh ideas. | Police think they may have found some fresh evidence that links him to the murder.
novel new and different in a surprising and unusual way – used especially about a suggestion, experience, or way of doing something: The club have come up with a novel way of raising cash. | The King was passionately in love, which was a novel experience for him.
innovative completely new and showing a lot of imagination – used especially about a design or way of doing something: an attractive website with an innovative design | They came up with an innovative approach to the problem.
revolutionary completely new in a way that has a very big effect – used especially about an idea, method, or invention: a revolutionary treatment for breast cancer | His theories were considered to be revolutionary at the time.
new-fangled [only before noun] used about something that is new and modern but which you disapprove of: My grandfather hated all this newfangled technology.
II.fresh2 BrE AmE adverb

1. fresh-made/fresh-cut/fresh-grated etc especially American English recently made, cut etc:
fresh-ground coffee
2. be fresh out of something American English spoken to have just used your last supplies of something:
I’m fresh out of beer. Will you take a cola instead?

tính từ
mới hoặc khác
fresh evidence
bằng chứng mới
a fresh piece of paper
một miếng giấy mới
fresh news
tin mới
to begin a fresh chapter
bắt đầu một chương mới
a fresh approach to the birth-control
một cách tiếp cận mới đối với vấn đề sinh đẻ có kế hoạch
còn rõ rệt; chưa phai mờ
fresh blood stains on the floor
những vết máu tươi trên sàn nhà
their memories of the wedding are still fresh in their minds
những kỷ niệm về ngày cưới hãy còn đậm nét trong tâm trí họ
tươi (hoa, trứng, sữa, cá, thịt...)
fresh bread
bánh mì mới ra lò
fresh milk, fruit, eggs, vegetables
sữa, quả, trứng, rau tươi
tươi tắn, mơn mởn
a fresh complexion
nước da tươi tắn
fresh colours
màu sắc tươi tắn
(nói về nước sơn) vừa mới quét; còn ướt
Fresh paint - please do not touch
Sơn còn ướt - xin đừng sờ vào
(nói về quần áo) chưa mặc; sạch
to put on some fresh clothes
mặc quần áo sạch
trong sạch, tươi mát, mát mẻ (không khí...)
open the window and let in some fresh air
hãy mở cửa sổ ra cho có không khí mát mẻ
to play in the fresh air
chơi ở ngoài trời
(nói về nước) không mặn, không hôi hoặc đắng; không phải nước biển
fresh water
nước ngọt
khoẻ khắn; sảng khoái
as fresh as paint
rất khoẻ
as fresh as a daisy
tươi như hoa
to feel fresh after six sets of ping-pong
cảm thấy khoẻ khoắn sau khi chơi sáu ván bóng bàn
(tạo nên tính từ ghép) mới; vừa mới
fresh-baked bread
bánh mì vừa mới nướng
fresh-cut flowers
hoa vừa mới cắt
(fresh with somebody) (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sàm sỡ/sỗ sàng đối với phụ nữ
(fresh from / out of something) vừa mới đến từ một nơi nào
students fresh from polytechnic
những sinh viên vừa mới trường bách khoa
to break fresh/new ground
đưa ra sáng kiến
new/fresh blood
người hay có sáng kiến
a breath of fresh air
xem breath
danh từ
lúc tươi mát, lúc mát mẻ
in the fresh of the morning
vào lúc tươi mát của buổi sáng
phó từ
fresh out of something
vừa mới tiêu thụ hết cái gì
we're fresh out of milk
chúng tôi vừa mới dùng hết sữa

saying & slang
(See get fresh)

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