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I.party1 S1 W1 /ˈpɑːti $ ˈpɑːrti/ BrE AmE noun (plural parties) [countable]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: partie 'part, party', from partir 'to divide']
1. FOR FUN a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc:
We’re having a small party this evening to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
throw/give a party
The university threw a party to welcome them.
go/come to a party
Are you going to the party tonight?
at a party
I met John at a party a couple of months ago.
the party spirit (=the way someone feels when they are really enjoying a party) ⇨ ↑hen party, ↑house party, ↑stag party, ↑party animal
2. IN POLITICS [also + plural verb British English] a political organization with particular beliefs and aims, which you can vote for in elections:
I have always voted for the Labour Party.
He failed to win the party’s nomination for President.
The conference is open to all party members. ⇨ ↑party line
3. GROUP OF PEOPLE [also + plural verb British English] a group of people who go somewhere together or do a job together
party of
a party of tourists
There were several students in our party.
A search party was sent out to look for the missing climbers.
a rescue party
Admission is free for school parties. ⇨ ↑working party
4. IN AN ARGUMENT/LAW law or formal one of the people or groups who are involved in a legal argument or agreement:
helping the two parties to reach an agreement
guilty/innocent party
He sees himself as the innocent party in this dispute. ⇨ ↑third party1
5. be (a) party to something formal to be involved in an activity or decision:
I was not a party to this discussion.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 1)
have a party We’re having a party on Saturday night.
hold a party The party was held at his flat.
throw/give a party (=organize it) Staff threw a party to celebrate the news.
host a party (=give a large or formal party) The party was hosted by the Danish ambassador.
go to/come to a party (also attend a party
formal) Are you going to Tom’s party? | About 500 people will attend a party in her honour.
invite somebody to a party I’ve been invited to Greg’s party next weekend.
gatecrash a party (=go to it even though you have not been invited) Some older boys tried to gatecrash the party.
a party is in full swing (=people at a party are having a good time talking, dancing etc) At 3 am, the party was still in full swing.
there is a party going on Somewhere near the hotel there was a party going on.
a party breaks up (=it ends and people go home) The party broke up a little after midnight.
a birthday party They met at her sister’s 18th birthday party.
a Christmas/Halloween etc party I hope you’re going to the office Christmas party.
a big/small party I don’t really like going to big parties.
a dinner party (=one where people are invited to someone’s house for an evening meal) It’s a favorite topic of conversation at fashionable dinner parties these days.
a cocktail party (=a fairly formal party, at which alcoholic drinks are served) I first met him at a cocktail party at the American embassy.
a fancy dress party British English, a costume party
American English (=one where people wear unusual clothes, for example so they look like someone from a story) She went to the fancy dress party as Snow White.
an office party I danced with my boss at the office party.
a surprise party Amy has planned a surprise party for his birthday.
a farewell/leaving party You didn’t come to Ken’s farewell party, did you?
a street party (=one held outside in a street) Thousands flocked to the street party on Princess Street to celebrate New Year.
a lavish party (=one where a lot of money has been spent) He threw lavish parties for his celebrity friends.
party + NOUN
the party spirit (=the way people feel when they are really enjoying a party) There’ll be plenty of free champagne to get the party spirit going.
be in a party mood (=want to enjoy yourself at a party) Kate wasn’t really in a party mood, so she stayed home.
party games The children had great fun playing party games.
a party dress The little girls were wearing white party dresses.
Do not say 'make a party' or 'do a party'. Say have a party.
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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
a political party The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are the two main political parties in Britain.
the Labour/Democratic etc Party The leadership race within the Republican Party is almost over.
an opposition party (=a party that is not in power) The tax increase was criticized by opposition parties.
the ruling party (=the party in power) The ruling party’s level of support grew throughout the year.
a right-wing/left-wing party Support for the right-wing parties was strongest among young working-class men.
party + NOUN
a party member He’s been a Conservative party member for 20 years.
the party leader He met with opposition party leaders.
a party candidate (=someone who represents a political party in an election) The seat was won by the Socialist Party candidate with 68% of the vote.
the party faithful (=strong supporters of a party) His policies appeal to the party faithful.
a party activist (=someone who works hard for a party) Campaign literature is distributed by unpaid party activists.
party policy (=a political party’s official plan or position on important subjects) There has been a change in party policy.
a party conference He will give a speech at the Tory party conference this morning.
the party chairman British English He resigned as Conservative party chairman.
a party official The incident has angered senior party officials.
a party wins/loses an election Do you think the Labour Party can win the next election?
join a party Bloomfield joined the Communist Party in 1946.
form/found a party The two politicians broke away from the PDF to form a new political party.
a party is in power From 1945 until 1951 the Labour Party was in power in Britain.
a party comes to power (=begins to be the government) The ruling party came to power in May 2001.
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party a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc: We’re having a party for Sarah’s 40th birthday. | I met my boyfriend at a party.
get-together an informal party: Christmas is the perfect time for a family get-together.
ball a large formal party where people dance: the end of term ball
rave a large party which is held outside or in an empty building, where people dance to music and take illegal drugs
reception a large formal party, especially one after a wedding or to welcome an important person: The wedding reception is at a nearby hotel. | a reception for the Thai Foreign Minister | They attended a White House reception to mark the Queen’s visit.
function a large formal or official party: He has been asked to play at many corporate functions (=an official party held by a company).
celebration a party or special event that is organized in order to celebrate something: the country’s 50th anniversary celebrations | It was a 21st birthday celebration which Mary would never forget.
bash informal a party, especially a big one that a lot of famous people go to – used especially in journalism: the star’s birthday bash | a picture of him at a Hollywood bash | a showbiz bash
do British English informal a party: We’re having a do to celebrate Margaret’s birthday.
dinner party a party where people are invited to someone’s house for an evening meal: I met him at a dinner party.
house-warming (party) a party that you have when you move into a new house: We’re having a house-warming next week.
cocktail party (also drinks party British English) a party that people go to in order to talk and have a drink together for a few hours
fancy-dress party British English, costume party American English a party where people dress in special clothes, for example to look like a famous person or a character in a story
hen party especially British English a social event just before a wedding, for a woman who is getting married and her female friends
stag night British English, bachelor party American English a social event just before a wedding, for a man who is getting married and his male friends
baby/wedding shower American English an event at which people give presents to a woman who is going to have a baby or get married
II.party2 BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle partied, present participle partying, third person singular parties) [intransitive]
informal to enjoy yourself with a group of other people by drinking alcohol, eating, dancing etc:
Let’s party!



A party is a group of people having fun together.

danh từ
the Communist Party
đảng Cộng sản
a political party
một chính đảng
sự đứng về phe (trong vấn đề (chính trị)); sự trung thành với phe đảng
(định ngữ) (thuộc) đảng, có tính chất đảng phái
party card
thẻ đảng
party dues
đảng phí
party member
đảng viên
party organization
tổ chức đảng
party local
trụ sở đảng
party nucleus
nòng cốt của đảng
party spirit
tính đảng; óc đảng phái
tiệc, buổi liên hoan
a birthday party
một buổi liên hoan mừng sinh nhật
những người cùng đi
the minister and his party
bộ trưởng và những người cùng đi
toán, đội, nhóm
landing party
đội đổ bộ
a search party
một đội tìm kiếm
(luật) bên
the contracting parties
các bên ký kết
người tham gia, người tham dự
an old party with spectales
lão đeo kính
a coquettish party
con bé làm đỏm
(thông tục) người
be (a) party to something
tham gia, biết về hoặc ủng hộ (một kế hoạch, một hành động..)
be party to an agreement
tham gia một hiệp định
be party to a crime
tham gia một tội ác

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