1. communication by the exchange of letters (Freq. 5) • Derivationally related forms: correspond • Hypernyms: written communication, written language, black and white, first class, 1st class, first-class mail, 1st-class mail • Hyponyms: card • Part Meronyms: letter, missive 2. compatibility of observations (Freq. 2) - there was no agreement between theory and measurement - the results of two tests were in correspondence • Syn: agreement • Derivationally related forms: correspond, agree (for: agreement) • Hypernyms: compatibility • Hyponyms: conformity, conformance 3. (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane • Syn: symmetry, symmetricalness, balance • Ant: asymmetry (for: symmetry) • Derivationally related forms: symmetrical (for: symmetricalness), symmetric (for: symmetry), symmetrize (for: symmetry), symmetrise (for: symmetry) • Topics: mathematics, math, maths • Hypernyms: spatial property, spatiality • Hyponyms: regularity, geometrical regularity, bilaterality, bilateralism, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry 4. the relation of corresponding in degree or size or amount • Syn: commensurateness, proportionateness • Derivationally related forms: proportionate (for: proportionateness), correspondent, commensurate (for: commensurateness) • Hypernyms: proportionality 5. similarity by virtue of corresponding • Syn: parallelism • Derivationally related forms: correspondent • Hypernyms: similarity