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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

drugs used for medicine MEDICINE
see also CRIME
- a substance that people use to give themselves exciting or pleasant feelings: drug
Do you think he takes drugs?
- a drug that is strong and dangerous: hard drug
- a drug that some people think is not so dangerous: soft drug
- a drug that makes you feel happy or full of energy: stimulant
- a drug that makes you relax your mind and body: depressant
- a drug that is made from the dried leaves or flowers of the hemp plant, and which is smoked in a cigarette or a pipe: cannabis (noun U), marijuana (noun U), (informal) dope (noun U)
- a cigarette that contains marijuana: (informal) joint
- a drug made from the seeds of the poppy flower: opium (noun U)
- a drug that is used by doctors to relieve pain and that some people use for pleasure: heroin (noun U)
- a white powder used as a stimulant that is usually breathed in through the nose: cocaine (noun U), (informal) coke (noun U); a variety of cocaine: crack (noun U)
- a powerful drug that causes you to see, hear, feel, etc things that are not real: LSD (noun U), (informal) acid (noun U)
- a person who takes illegal drugs: drug user
- not able to stop taking drugs: addicted (to sth), (informal) hooked (on sth); the state of being addicted: addiction (to sth) (noun U/C), (formal) dependence (on sth) (noun U)
He's addicted to heroin. receive treatment for drug dependence
- drugs that you can easily become addicted to are addictive
- a person who cannot stop taking drugs: (drug) addict, (informal) junkie
- to put a drug into sb/yourself with a needle (= syringe): inject sth (into sb/sth), inject sb/yourself with sth
- feeling in a pleasant and excited state after taking drugs: high (on sth)
The police think that our attackers were probably high on drugs.
- an amount of drugs that is too large: overdose
She died of a heroin overdose.
- a person who sells illegal drugs: drug dealer, (informal) (drug) pusher; selling illegal drugs: drug dealing (noun U)
- a person who buys and sells illegal drugs: drug trafficker
- to take sth into or out of a country illegally: smuggle sth
He was caught trying to smuggle cannabis through Heathrow airport.

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