Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of horse 2 parts of a horse and equipment for a horse 3 things that horses do 4 looking after a horse 5 riding a horse see also ANIMAL
1 different kinds of horse - a large animal that is used for riding on: horse - a male horse: stallion - a female horse: mare - a young horse: foal - a type of small horse: pony - a horse used for racing: racehorse - an animal like a small horse, with long ears: donkey - an animal that has a donkey and a horse as parents: mule
2 parts of a horse and equipment for a horse - a set of leather straps which is used to fasten a horse to a cart or carriage: harness; to fasten a horse in this way: harness a horse (to sth)
3 things that horses do - to move fairly quickly lifting the feet off the ground: trot; noun: trot - to run at a steady speed: canter; noun: canter to go for a quick canter round the field - to run at a fast speed: gallop; noun: gallop He rode off at a gallop. - to run away very suddenly: bolt The noise of the shotgun made the horses bolt. - to jump into the air with all four feet off the ground: buck The horse bucked and I fell off. Note: trot, canter and gallop can be used about the rider as well as the horse: Mary trotted to the end of the field. ◎ The horse began to gallop. - the long high sound that a horse makes: neigh; verb: neigh
4 looking after a horse - a building where horses are kept: stable - a field where a horse is kept: paddock - a person whose job is to brush, clean and look after horses: groom; to do this work: groom a horse - a U-shaped piece of metal that is put on a horse's hoof: horseshoe - a person who puts shoes on horses' hooves: blacksmith
5 riding a horse - to travel along, sitting on and controlling a horse: ride* (sth); a person who rides a horse: rider - the sport or hobby of riding a horse: riding (AmE horseback riding) - to ride a horse for pleasure or sport: go* riding (AmE go* horseback riding) - on a horse: on horseback Police on horseback were controlling the crowd. - to ride on a horse without a saddle: ride* bareback - to get onto a horse: mount (a horse); opposite: dismount ※ sports with horses - a sport where horses race and people try to win money by choosing the winner: horse racing (noun U) - a race between horses: horse race - a person who rides racehorses: jockey - an event where several horse races are held: race meeting - a place where horse races take place: racecourse (AmE racetrack) - to pay some money in the hope of winning sth: bet* (on sth); an act of betting: bet to lose money betting on horses ◎ to put a bet on a horse - the horse that has the best chance of winning a particular race: favourite (AmE favorite) ※ more on betting BET - a sport where people ride horses over a series of fences: showjumping (noun U); a person who does this sport: showjumper - a game played between two teams on horseback: polo (noun U) - riding on horseback in the countryside for pleasure or on holiday: pony-trekking (noun U) We went pony-trekking in the Lake District.
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