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see also BOOK - novels, poems and plays, which are considered to be of high quality and an important part of a country's culture: literature (noun U); adjective: literary I'm studying 20th century English literature at university. ◎ We have to study all the important literary works of the last hundred years. - a book which tells a story about people and events which are not real: novel; a person who writes novels: novelist 'What are you reading?' 'It's a novel by Thomas Hardy.' ◎ a historical novel (= which tells a story related to a particular point in history) - stories, novels, etc which describe events and people that do not really exist: fiction (noun U) - books that are about real people and events: non-fiction (noun U) - a story which is written for actors to perform in the theatre, on television or on radio: play; a person who writes plays: playwright, dramatist; the writing and performance of plays: drama (noun U) We're going to see a play by Beckett. ◎ Sheila says she's going to start drama classes. - a piece of writing usually in short lines, which sometimes rhyme: poem; a person who writes poems: poet She recited a poem by Tennyson. - poems, seen as a type of literature: poetry (noun U) a book on modern poetry - a short piece of writing on one subject: essay Have you ever read any of Montaigne's essays? ※ for more on plays and poems PLAY 1, POEM - the way that sb usually writes; a recognized way of writing: style the inimitable style of Oscar Wilde ◎ in the style of a 19th century romantic novel - describing the good or bad points of a book, play, film, etc: criticism (noun C/U) I have to do a criticism of this poem before my class on Monday. ◎ an expert in literary criticism - a person who writes criticism: critic
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