Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

- a flat, usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food: plate
a dinner plate a side plate (= a small plate used at the side of a bigger plate)
- a small round plate that you put under a cup: saucer
- the amount of food on a plate: plate, plateful
a plate of sandwiches huge platefuls of spaghetti
- a shallow container used for cooking or serving food: dish
Put the vegetables in the serving dishes.
- a deep round container without a lid used for serving food or for eating food such as soup, breakfast cereal, ice cream: bowl
a soup bowl (= a bowl for eating soup)
Would you like a bowl of soup (= a bowl with soup in it) ?
- the general word for all cups, plates and dishes: crockery (noun U)
Where do you keep the crockery?
- plates, cups and saucers that are made of a high quality white clay: china (noun U)
a china teapot
- if a plate, bowl, etc has a small piece broken off it, it is chipped; if it is broken so that you can see a thin line, but it is not broken into pieces, it is cracked

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