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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

※ economic systems ECONOMY
- the scientific study of government: politics (noun U), political science (noun U)
She's got a degree in politics.
※—† MORE ...
- a person who disagrees in public with the actions or ideas of his/her government: dissident
- a person who uses violent action for political purposes: terrorist
- a person who is in prison because of his/her political beliefs: political prisoner


1 political activity
2 political ideas and political parties
see also

1 political activity
- work and ideas that are connected with governing a country, a town, etc: politics (with singular or plural verb)
Are you interested in politics? She's very involved in local politics. to go into politics (= to become a politician)
- connected with politics: political (adverb politically)
a political party Their decision to close the school is just political. to be politically well informed
- a person whose job is in politics, especially a Member of Parliament: politician
- an important and experienced politician who has earned public respect: statesman/woman (plural statesmen/women)
- a person who is the head of sth or in charge of sth: leader
a political leader
- the ability to make other people do what you want: power (noun U)
Our aim is to reduce the power of central government.
- the group of people who govern a country: government (with singular or plural verb)
- when a new government is formed, it comes* to power, gains power
This government came to power in 1979.
- the people who are ruling a country are in power, in government, in office
The Conservatives have been in office for several years.
- not governing or ruling a country: out of power, out of government, out of office
- a political plan of action or statement of ideas: policy (noun C/U)
The government is not explaining its policies well. What is party policy on privatization?
- a change in sth in order to make it better: reform (noun C/U)
a major reform in the system of taxation to be in favour of political reform
- a person who tries to change society and make it better: reformer
- opposing change: reaction (noun C/U); adjective: reactionary
forces of reaction reactionary opinions
- a person who tries to stop political or social change: reactionary
- a group of people who have the same ideas and who want to persuade others that they are right: movement
the anti-abortion movement
- a public protest or march in which a crowd of people show how they oppose or support sb/sth: demonstration; verb: demonstrate
to take part in a demonstration against cuts in government spending Thousands of people have been demonstrating against unemployment.
- a person who takes part in a public protest or march: demonstrator
- changing or trying to change the political system by violent action: revolution (noun C/U)
to start a revolution the French revolution
※ more on protests and demonstrations COMPLAIN/PROTEST

2 political ideas and political parties
- a group of people with the same political opinions and who try to win election to parliament: party
A lot of people haven't yet decided which party to vote for in the election. The same party has been in power for nearly twenty years.
- political actions carried out by or for political parties: party politics (with singular or plural verb)
- a person who has joined a political party: (party) member
a Communist Party member/a member of the Communist Party
- a person who supports a political party: supporter
a Labour supporter
- political parties or groups that support social equality, government control of industry, etc: the Left, the left wing; adjectives: left-wing
The Left is not expected to do well in the general election. the left wing of the Conservative party left-wing policies
- a person who supports left-wing ideas: left-winger
- political parties or groups that support traditional values, private control of industry, etc: the Right, the right wing; adjective: right-wing
the right wing of the Labour Party right-wing ideology
- a person who supports right-wing ideas: right-winger
- political parties or groups with moderate views: the centre; adjectives: centre, centrist
a shift of power to the centre a centre party centrist opinions
- a person's political opinions and beliefs: politics (noun plural)
What are her politics?
- a set of ideas for a political or economic system: ideology; adjective: ideological
communist ideology
- a general belief on which ideas or actions are based: principle
socialist principles
※—† political ideas and beliefs
- in favour of existing methods and ideas and only gradual change: conservative; a person with conservative opinions: conservative; conservative beliefs: conservatism (noun U)
I've always been a conservative.
- in favour of freedom of choice and moderate change: liberal; a person with liberal opinions: liberal; liberal beliefs: liberalism (noun U)
- agreeing with modern methods and ideas: progressive; a person with progressive opinions: progressive
progressive policies
- not particularly conservative or progressive: moderate; a person with moderate opinions: moderate
- not moderate: extreme; a person with extreme opinions: extremist; extreme beliefs and actions: extremism (noun U)
dangerous extremists
- in favour of great political or social change: radical; a person with radical opinions: radical; radical beliefs: radicalism (noun U)
radical solutions to society's problems a famous 19th century radical
- in favour of changing the political system by violent action: revolutionary; a person with revolutionary opinions: revolutionary
※ kinds of political belief, see table below
the economy of a country should be controlled by the state and wealth should be shared equally socialism socialist
the state should own the means of production and all people are equal communism communist
change is caused by struggle between social classes Marxism Marxist
there should be no government or laws in a country anarchism anarchist
the state should control everything and there should be no opposition fascism fascist
the country where you live should form an independent nation; or that your country is better than others nationalism nationalist
people should protect the natural world environmentalism, the green movement environmentalist, green
women should have the same rights as men feminism feminist
some races (especially your own) are better than others racism racist
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