1. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety - spent an anxious night waiting for the test results - cast anxious glances behind her - those nervous moments before takeoff - an unquiet mind • Syn: anxious, nervous, uneasy, unquiet • Similar to: troubled • Derivationally related forms: uneasiness (for: uneasy), queasiness, nervousness (for: nervous), anxiousness (for: anxious) 2. causing or able to cause nausea - a nauseating smell - nauseous offal - a sickening stench • Syn: nauseating, nauseous, noisome, loathsome, offensive, sickening, vile • Similar to: unwholesome • Derivationally related forms: vileness (for: vile), sickeningness (for: sickening), offensiveness (for: offensive), offend (for: offensive), loathsomeness (for: loathsome), noisomeness (for: noisome), nausea (for: nauseous), nauseatingness (for: nauseating) 3. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit • Syn: nauseated, nauseous, sick, sickish • Similar to: ill, sick • Derivationally related forms: sickness (for: sick), queasiness, nausea (for: nauseous)