1. a seat for the rider of a horse or camel (Freq. 14) • Hypernyms: seat • Hyponyms: English saddle, English cavalry saddle, packsaddle, sidesaddle, stock saddle, Western saddle • Part Meronyms: cantle, pommel, saddlebow, stirrup, stirrup iron 2. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle) • Syn: saddleback • Hypernyms: pass, mountain pass, notch 3. cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins • Hypernyms: cut, cut of meat 4. a piece of leather across the instep of a shoe • Hypernyms: piece of leather • Part Holonyms: shoe 5. a seat for the rider of a bicycle • Syn: bicycle seat • Hypernyms: seat • Part Holonyms: bicycle, bike, wheel, cycle 6. posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl • Hypernyms: body part • Part Holonyms: back, dorsum, domestic fowl, fowl, poultry
1. put a saddle on (Freq. 1) - saddle the horses • Ant: unsaddle • Derivationally related forms: saddlery • Hypernyms: attach • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. load or burden; encumber (Freq. 1) - he saddled me with that heavy responsibility • Hypernyms: burden, burthen, weight, weight down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody 3. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to (Freq. 1) - He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend • Syn: charge, burden • Derivationally related forms: burden (for: burden), charge (for: charge) • Hypernyms: command, require • Hyponyms: overburden, bear down, overwhelm, deluge, flood out, adjure • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody with something - Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE (for: charge)