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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 kinds of skill
2 having skill
3 acquiring skill

1 kinds of skill
- the ability to do sth well: skill (in/at sth/doing sth) (noun U), (formal) proficiency (in sth/doing sth) (noun U)
The job requires considerable skill in dealing with people. his skill at drawing a certificate of proficiency in English
- an ability that you need in order to do a job or perform an activity: skill (often plural)
The job needs good language skills.
- a particular way of doing sth (often in a job) which requires a particular skill: technique
- skill at performing some special task: (informal) knack (noun singular)
It's easy to make pancakes once you've got the knack.

2 having skill
- (used about work that is done) requiring skill or showing skill: skilled; opposite: unskilled
skilled/unskilled work a highly skilled job
- having skill: skilled (in/at sth)
a skilled dressmaker a cook who is skilled in making bread and pastries
- having or showing a lot of skill: good (at sth), skilful (in/at sth) (adverb skilfully), (formal) proficient (in/at sth) (adverb proficiently), accomplished (in/at sth)
He's very good at making bread. She suddenly changed direction, skilfully managing to avoid an accident. to speak a language proficiently an accomplished pianist
- having as much skill as is needed for a particular job or task: competent (adverb competently); noun (U): competence
a very competent teacher showing a high level of competence
※—† natural skill
- the mental or physical power or skill that makes it possible to do sth: ability (noun C/U); having this kind of skill: able, capable
He has the ability to do well, but he doesn't try very hard. a young woman of considerable abilities a very capable student
- a natural ability to do sth well: talent (for sth) (noun C/U), gift (for sth), flair (for sth) (noun singular); having this kind of ability: talented, gifted
She's got a lot of talent. She's got a gift for playing the piano. a flair for storytelling
- having very great and unusual ability: brilliant; noun (U): brilliance
a brilliant footballer
- having many different talents: talented
She's incredibly talented - good cook, fantastic painter, and brilliant at ballroom dancing.
- good at learning and doing things: clever
a clever child a clever lawyer
- skilful at making things with your hands: good with your hands
※ more on being clever CLEVER
※—† not having skill
- not good at sth: no good at sth, bad (at sth), incompetent (adverb incompetently); noun (U): incompetence
I'm no good at public speaking. I'm really bad at remembering people's names. He was sacked for incompetence.

3 acquiring skill
- to get knowledge or skill: learn sth, learn (how) to do sth
to learn to play the piano to learn how to sing
- to learn how to do a job: train to do sth, train (as sth)
I'm training to fly jumbo jets. to train as a nurse
- to do sth many times so that you become good at it: practise (AmE practice)(sth); noun (U): practice
You'll never improve if you don't practise. I think I need more practice.
- if you have not spent much time practising sth recently, you are out of practice
I'd love to come and play tennis, but I'm afraid I'm a bit out of practice.
※ more on learning LEARN
- to give sb lessons or show sb sth so that they know how to do it: teach* (sb to do sth)
She's very good at teaching disabled children to ride.
- to teach a person to do sth which is difficult or which needs a lot of practice: train sb (for/in sth), train sb (to do sth); noun (U): training
to train teachers in modern methods to train soldiers to obey orders without thinking a teacher training course
※ more on teaching TEACH
- if you have done sth for a long time, so that you can now do it well, you are experienced; opposite: inexperienced
She's a very experienced teacher.
- a person who has special knowledge or skill: expert (in/at sth); adjective: expert; special knowledge or skill: expertise (noun U), (informal) know-how (noun U)
She's been doing it for so long now that she's become a real expert. Get Dan to fix your computer - he's an expert. to do an expert job The work demands considerable expertise.
※—† MORE ...
- if you want to say that doing sth repeatedly is the only way to become really good at it, you can say practice makes perfect
They say practice makes perfect, but I've been practising this piece for days and it's far from perfect!
- doing sth in a way that shows skill, training or care: professional (adverb professionally); noun (U): professionalism
The builders did not do a very professional job.
- a person who does things in a professional way: professional
We won't let you down - we're all professionals.
- a person who can do many different things well (usually sports): all-rounder; adjective (only before a noun): all-round
She's a good all-round sportswoman.
- changing easily from one skill or occupation to another: versatile; noun (U): versatility
He's a very versatile teacher - he can teach all levels from beginners to advanced.

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