1. a person who backs a politician or a team etc. (Freq. 1) - all their supporters came out for the game - they are friends of the library • Syn: protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend • Derivationally related forms: boost (for: booster), admire (for: admirer), champion (for: champion), support • Hypernyms: advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent • Hyponyms: anglophile, anglophil, believer, truster, Boswell, cheerleader, Confederate, corporatist, enthusiast, partisan, partizan, Francophile, Francophil, free trader, functionalist, Jacobite, loyalist, stalwart, New Dealer, philhellene, philhellenist, Graecophile, pillar, mainstay, Roundhead, seconder, Shavian, subscriber, endorser, indorser, ratifier, sympathizer, sympathiser, well-wisher, toaster, toaster, upholder, maintainer, sustainer, voucher, verifier, Whig 2. a support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise • Syn: athletic supporter, suspensor, jockstrap, jock • Hypernyms: protective garment, man's clothing 3. a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose - my invaluable assistant - they hired additional help to finish the work • Syn: assistant, helper, help • Derivationally related forms: support, help (for: help), help (for: helper), assistant (for: assistant), assist (for: assistant) • Hypernyms: worker • Hyponyms: coadjutor, accomplice, confederate, aide, auxiliary, attendant, attender, tender, bat boy, dental assistant, deputy, lieutenant, dresser, actor's assistant, event planner, facilitator, flower girl, girl Friday, hatchet man, enforcer, instrument, pawn, cat's-paw, labor coach, birthing coach, doula, monitrice, underboss, mannequin, manikin, mannikin, manakin, fashion model, model, poser, paraprofessional, powder monkey, prompter, theater prompter, right-hand man, chief assistant, man Friday, secretary, secretarial assistant, sidesman, subordinate, subsidiary, underling, foot soldier, water boy, waterer, whipper-in 4. a band (usually elastic) worn around the leg to hold up a stocking (or around the arm to hold up a sleeve) • Syn: garter • Derivationally related forms: support, garter (for: garter) • Hypernyms: band 5. someone who supports or champions something • Syn: patron, sponsor • Derivationally related forms: support, sponsorship (for: sponsor), sponsor (for: sponsor), patronize (for: patron), patronise (for: patron) • Hypernyms: benefactor, helper • Hyponyms: angel, backer, godfather, godparent, guarantor, guarantor, warrantor, warranter, patroness, patronne, tower of strength, pillar of strength