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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
adult female

an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
- the woman kept house while the man hunted
man (for: woman)
Derivationally related forms:
womanly (for: woman), womanhood (for: woman), womanize (for: woman), womanise (for: woman)
female, female person, adult, grownup
Black woman, white woman, yellow woman, amazon, virago,
maenad, bachelor girl, bachelorette, baggage, ball-buster, ball-breaker,
B-girl, bar girl, bluestocking, bas bleu, bridesmaid, maid of honor,
broad, cat, Cinderella, coquette, flirt, vamp,
vamper, minx, tease, prickteaser, dame, madam,
ma'am, lady, gentlewoman, debutante, deb, divorcee,
grass widow, ex-wife, ex, dominatrix, donna, enchantress,
temptress, siren, Delilah, femme fatale, eyeful, geisha,
geisha girl, girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman,
fille, girlfriend, lady friend, gold digger, gravida, heroine,
inamorata, jezebel, jilt, matriarch, materfamilias, matron,
mestiza, mistress, kept woman, fancy woman, mother figure, nanny,
nursemaid, nurse, nullipara, nymph, houri, nymphet,
old woman, prostitute, cocotte, whore, harlot, bawd,
tart, cyprian, working girl, sporting lady, lady of pleasure, woman of the street,
shiksa, shikse, smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty,
ravisher, sweetheart, peach, lulu, looker, mantrap,
dish, sylph, unmarried woman, vestal, Wac, Wave,
widow, widow woman, wife, married woman, wonder woman
Instance Hyponyms:
Part Meronyms:
adult female body, woman's body

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