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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 business activity (buying and selling)
2 different kinds of businesses
3 running a business
see also

1 business activity (buying and selling)
- things that are bought and sold: goods (noun plural)
- an organization that provides things that the public needs in everyday life: service
the telephone/train service
- the activity of buying and selling goods and services: business (noun U), trade (noun U), commerce (noun U); adjective: commercial
the arms business foreign trade a company's commercial operations The decision was a purely commercial one; it was not in any way political.
- a man/woman who buys and sells things to make money or who owns a business: businessman/businesswoman (plural businessmen/businesswomen)
- a person who owns or manages a large industrial company: industrialist
- to buy or sell particular goods and services: trade (in sth) (with sb), deal* in sth (with sb)
- a person who buys and sells particular goods and services: dealer, trader
an antiques dealer market traders (= people who sell things in a market)
- to provide sb/sth with goods or services: supply sth (to sb), supply sb (with sth)
a contract to supply helicopters to Saudi Arabia Can you supply us with three thousand kilos of cement?
- a person or a company that provides goods: supplier
the Queen's official suppliers of stationery
※ more on supplying sth PROVIDE
- a person who buys things from a particular business: customer
Mrs Windsor is one of our most regular customers.
- a person who receives a service from a professional person: client
to have lunch with a business client
- a country, area or group of people who may want to buy sth: market
The Far Eastern market is expanding fast.
- a business agreement or arrangement: deal
We're hoping to do a deal with a major Colombian coffee company.
- if a deal is successful, it goes* through, you pull it off; if it is not successful, it falls* through
If everything goes to plan the deal should go through on Monday. We're still hoping to pull off the Saudi deal.
- a written agreement that is signed after a deal is made, to make it legal: contract; to make a written agreement with sb for them to work for you: contract sb (to do sth)
We're signing the contract tomorrow. Our firm has been contracted to supply stationery to all government offices.
- the amount of goods or services that a country, company, etc buys and sells: business (noun U)
Business is usually slow at this time of year.
- the amount of goods or services that people want: demand (for sth) (noun U)
The demand for windscreens is so high that we'll have to take on more workers.
- the level of demand that there is for a particular thing: market (for sth)
There's a growing market for used cars.
- the amount of sth that is sold: sales (noun plural)
Sales are up 20%.
※—† business with other countries
- to send goods from one country to another: export sth; noun (U): export
the export of cars to Europe
- to bring goods into one country from another country: import sth; noun (U): import
- goods which are exported: exports (noun plural); goods which are imported: imports (noun plural)
food exports
- a person who brings things from another country to sell them in their own country: importer
- a person who sends things to another country to sell them: exporter
※—† competition
- a situation where two or more companies are trying to sell the same thing to the same people: competition (noun U); verb: compete (against/with sb/sth) (for sth)
Increased competition from supermarkets has forced many small shops to close. My language school is in competition with ten others in this area. We can't compete with these foreign companies, as their labour costs are so low.
- a situation in which one company controls a market or an industry: monopoly
They have a virtual monopoly on computers in our country.

2 different kinds of businesses
- an organization that produces or sells goods or services: company, firm
to set up a new company an engineering firm
- a firm, shop, factory, etc which produces or sells goods or provides a service: business
- owned by an individual or a group of people: private; owned by the government: state-owned
a private company/business
- when a government takes control of a business, it nationalizes it; noun (U): nationalization
nationalized industries
- when a government passes control of a state-owned business to a private company, it privatizes it; noun (U): privatization
British Airways was privatized during the 1980s.
- a business that is owned and run by all the people who work in it: cooperative; adjective: cooperative
a manufacturing cooperative a cooperative farm
- a large company that has offices, factories, etc in many countries: multinational; adjective: multinational
- (in Britain) a large company that sells shares in itself to the public: public limited company (abbreviation plc)

3 running a business
- to start and organize a business: go* into business, set*/start up sth, establish sth; noun (U): establishment
They're planning to go into business together. I want to set up a record company. This company was established in 1894.
- when one company buys or starts to control another company, it takes* it over; noun: takeover
The firm was taken over by a French company in 1994.
- to cause a business to stop working: shut* sth down, close sth down; if a business stops working, it shuts* down, closes down
Many businesses have had to close down because of the poor state of the economy.
※—† investment
- to put money in the bank or into a business so as to make a profit: invest (sth) (in sth); noun (U): investment
He invested all his money in a property company.
- an amount of money that has been put in a business: investment
- a person who puts money into a company because they hope to make a profit: investor
- one of the equal parts into which the money of a business company has been divided: share
I own three hundred shares in BP.
- a person who owns shares in a company: shareholder
- a person whose job is to buy and sell shares in companies: stockbroker
- the part of a company's profits that is paid to the people who own shares in it: dividend
- a place where shares are bought and sold: stock exchange
- the business of buying and selling shares: the stock market
to make money on the stock market
※—† management
- to organize and control a business: run* sth, manage sth; noun (U): management
I run a small computer firm. We need to improve the management of this business.
- one of the sections that a business is divided into: department; adjective: departmental
the sales department the personnel department a departmental meeting
- a person who controls a company: manager; the group of people who manage a company: management (with singular or plural verb)
※ more on managing sth MANAGEMENT
- a person who gives advice to people about their business: consultant
a management consultant
- a person who you know who may be able to help you in your business: contact
I have some useful contacts in Berlin.
※—† finances
- the money that a business has: finances (noun plural); adjective: financial
We can expect a significant improvement in our finances in the next financial year. We're in a terrible financial situation.
- a person who provides money for big businesses and other organizations: financier
- a record of all the money that a person or business spends or receives: accounts (noun plural), books (noun plural); to write down the accounts: do*/keep* the accounts; this kind of work: accountancy (noun U), bookkeeping (noun U)
- a person who keeps accounts, advises on tax, etc: accountant
- the money that a business makes when it sells sth for more than it paid for it: profit (noun C/U); opposite: loss (noun C/U)
Profits are down on last year. pre-tax profit (= the amount of profit you have before you pay tax on it)
They made a ※£7 million loss last year.
- if a business makes a profit, it is profitable, profit-making, it makes* money
I hope we can make this business profitable by the end of the year. Does your business make much money?
- the ability of a business to make a profit: profitability (noun U)
- the money that a person or company owes: debt
- if a company does not have enough money to pay all its debts, it is/goes bankrupt, (informal) bust
The firm went bust last July.
※ more on debt DEBT

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