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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 interesting
2 not interesting
3 being interested
4 not interested
see also

1 interesting
- a thing that you enjoy doing, thinking or learning about is interesting
an interesting book/subject/job/hobby I thought his lecture was very interesting.
- a person who you enjoy listening to is interesting
an interesting speaker
- very interesting: fascinating
a fascinating story/woman
- interesting and enjoyable: amusing, entertaining
an amusing film an entertaining evening/speaker
- to make sb want to learn or hear more about sth or to get involved in sth: interest sb (in sth)
I enjoyed the class very much as the subject interests me a great deal. Can I interest you in coming to the exhibition?
- to interest sb very much: fascinate sb
Archaeology has always fascinated me. I was fascinated to hear about her trip to South America.
- to get the interest of other people: attract sb, attract sb's attention
The film attracted a lot of publicity. What attracted my attention was the title of the book.
- a thing that is interesting and attracts people's attention: attraction
The Eiffel Tower is a major tourist attraction.
※—† interesting events
- things that interest and amuse people: entertainment (noun U)
There were singing, dancing and comedy shows for our entertainment.
- to interest and amuse: entertain sb; a person who does this: entertainer
We entertained the children with games and tricks.
- full of interesting events: eventful
an eventful day
- full of variety, interest and excitement: lively, colourful (AmE colorful)
a lively party a colourful show
- to make sth more interesting and exciting: liven sth up
This party needs livening up - let's have some dancing!
※ more on entertainment ENTERTAINMENT

2 not interesting
- not interesting: boring, uninteresting, dull
a boring programme/book an uninteresting job a dull conversation My life is too busy to be dull.
- to make a person tired and uninterested: bore sb; a person or activity that does this: bore
Am I boring you? Football bores me to death - I'd much rather watch tennis. Don't invite Edward - he's a terrible bore. Have you got to copy all of that? What a bore!
- boring and lasting for a long time: tedious
What a tedious film - it just went on and on!
- dull and without variety: monotonous; noun (U): monotony
monotonous work The monotony of this work is driving me mad.

3 being interested
- wanting to know or hear more about sth: interested (in sth/doing sth); noun (U/singular): interest (in sth/doing sth)
What sort of music are you interested in? She was interested to hear all our news. He's never shown much interest in going to university. I've lost interest in this book. I wish you took more interest in what I say.
- the quality that makes sth interesting: interest (noun U)
Is this book of interest to you? a matter of great interest to many people His meeting with Picasso helped to stimulate his interest in painting.
- a thing that you enjoy doing or learning about: interest
One of my interests is modern jazz. Tell me about your interests.
- something that you do regularly for pleasure in your spare time: hobby
'What hobbies do you have?' 'Tap dancing, rock climbing and stamp collecting.'
- to take an active interest in sth: follow sth
Have you been following the football?
- to be or become interested in sth: be/get* into sth
He's heavily into modern jazz. When did you get into local politics?
- to start doing sth regularly: take* sth up
I took up jogging last year and it's done me a lot of good. Winter is a good time to take up a new hobby.
- to be interested in or worried about sb/sth: care (about sb/sth)
Do you really care about me?
※—† being very interested
- a feeling of pleasure and interest in sth that is happening or expected to happen: excitement (noun U); a person who feels excitement is excited
※ more on being excited EXCITED
- to be very interested in sth and like it very much: love sth/doing sth; noun (C/U): love
I've always loved animals. He loves fishing. a love of food/music/sport
- strong and eager interest: enthusiasm (for/about sth) (noun U); full of enthusiasm: enthusiastic (about sth), keen (to do sth), keen on sth
He didn't show much enthusiasm for the idea. She's very enthusiastic about her new job. a keen gardener We're keen to see as many of the sights as possible. She's very keen on sport.
- a person who is very interested in an activity or subject: fan, enthusiast
a football fan an opera enthusiast
- extremely interested: (informal) mad (keen) about/on sth
The kids are mad about this new American pop group. My son is mad keen on spaceships at the moment.
- to be so excited about sth that you forget what you are doing: be/get* carried away
We got so carried away with the music that we didn't notice when everybody else stopped dancing.

4 not interested
- not interested: uninterested; to become uninterested: lose* (all) interest (in sth)
I used to like photography but I lost interest in it when I broke my camera.
- to become impatient with or annoyed by sb/sth: be/get* tired of sb/sth/doing sth
We're tired of watching the same old programmes repeated again and again on television.
- feeling uninterested and tired because sth is not exciting or because you do not have anything to do: bored (with sth); very bored: bored stiff, bored to tears; noun (U): boredom
I'm bored with this - can we do something else now? I was bored stiff but everyone else seemed to find the talk interesting.
- bored or unhappy: (informal) fed up (with sb/sth/doing sth)
I'm fed up with having to wait for you all the time. What's the matter? You look fed up.
- without interest or wanting to do anything: apathetic; noun (U): apathy
'Why do so few local people turn up to meetings?' 'I think it's just apathy.'
- if you are not interested in sb/sth, you (informal) don't* care (about sb/sth)
I don't care who wins the election.
- if you are completely uninterested in sth and do not want to do it or be troubled by it, you couldn't care less
'You could lose a lot of money if you don't take this job.' 'I really couldn't care less.'
- not enthusiastic: unenthusiastic
- if you are not interested enough in sth to want to do it, you (informal) can't be bothered
I really couldn't be bothered to go to the party.

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