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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
protea family

large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers;
constitutes the order Proteales
Proteaceae, family Proteaceae
dicot family, magnoliopsid family
Member Holonyms:
Proteales, order Proteales
Member Meronyms:
Bartle Frere, genus Bartle-Frere, green dinosaur, genus Protea, genus Banksia,
Conospermum, genus Conospermum, Embothrium, genus Embothrium, Guevina, genus Guevina,
genus Grevillea, Hakea, genus Hakea, Knightia, genus Knightia, Lambertia,
genus Lambertia, Leucadendron, genus Leucadendron, genus Lomatia, genus Macadamia, Orites,
genus Orites, Persoonia, genus Persoonia, Stenocarpus, genus Stenocarpus, Telopea,
genus Telopea, Xylomelum, genus Xylomelum

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