Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also EARLY/LATE - to remain in a particular place, or delay doing sth, until sb arrives or sth happens: wait (for sb/sth) (to do sth), (formal) await sb/sth Wait a moment! Don't start without me! ◎ What are you waiting for? ◎ 'How long will we have to wait?' 'Well, we're expecting him to arrive in about ten minutes.' ◎ She's still waiting for him to phone. ◎ a prisoner who is awaiting trial - a period of waiting: wait (noun singular) to have a long/short wait - a period of waiting for sth that should already have happened: delay (noun U/C) We need the money without delay. ◎ Long delays are expected at the airport. - to be left or delayed until a later time: wait Can this matter wait until tomorrow? - to tell sb to wait for a short time, you can say (informal) hold on, (informal) hang on, just a minute, just a moment Can you hang on a minute? I'm just coming. ※ different kinds of waiting - to pause to think a moment longer before doing sth: hesitate; noun (U): hesitation She hesitated before opening the door. ◎ a moment's hesitation ◎ He answered without hesitation. - to wait and find out what will happen before doing anything: wait and see The match might be cancelled if it rains - we'll just have to wait and see. - to stay in a place doing nothing but waiting: wait about/around, hang* about/around They kept me waiting around all morning before my interview. ◎ I hung around in the shopping centre until the time of my appointment. - to make sb wait for you: keep* sb waiting I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. - to stay at home because you are expecting sb: wait in I waited in all evening but he didn't come. - not to go to bed because you are waiting for sb to come home: wait up (for sb) Don't wait up - I'll probably be quite late. - to stay after other people have left: wait behind The manager asked me to wait behind at the end of the meeting. - to wait in a hiding place in order to surprise sb: lie* in wait (for sb/sth) ※ waiting with other people - a line of people that are waiting to do sth: queue (AmE line) a bus queue ◎ to join a queue - to form a line with other people who are waiting: queue (up) (for sth/to do sth), (AmE stand in line) Three hours before the sale started, people were already queuing up outside the shop. ◎ You'll have to queue to get a good seat. - to go to the front of a queue instead of the back: jump the queue - a room where people can sit and wait: waiting room - a list of people who are waiting for sth that will be available in the future: waiting list Could you put my name on the waiting list? ※ MORE ... - able to remain calm and not get angry, especially when there is a difficulty or you are waiting: patient (adverb patiently); opposite: impatient; the quality of being patient: patience (noun U); opposite: impatience (noun U) Please try to be patient - I'm doing this as quickly as I can. ◎ to wait patiently ◎ to lose patience with sb/sth
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