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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

bully [bully bullies bullied bullying] noun, verb, exclamation BrE [ˈbʊli] NAmE [ˈbʊli]
noun (pl. bullies)
a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people
the school bully
Leave him alone, you big bully!

Word Origin:
mid 16th cent.: probably from Middle Dutch boele ‘lover’. Original use was as a term of endearment applied to either sex; it later became a familiar form of address to a male friend. The current sense dates from the late 17th cent.

Example Bank:
school/playground bullies
Idiom:bully for you
Derived Word:bullying
verb (bul·lies, bully·ing, bul·lied, bul·lied)
to frighten or hurt a weaker person; to use your strength or power to make sb do sth
~ sb My son is being bullied at school.
~ sb into sth/into doing sth I won't be bullied into signing anything.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
mid 16th cent.: probably from Middle Dutch boele ‘lover’. Original use was as a term of endearment applied to either sex; it later became a familiar form of address to a male friend. The current sense dates from the late 17th cent.

bully verb T
He was bullied at school.
victimize • • pick on sb • • push sb around • • terrorize • • intimidate • |BrE steamroller • |AmE steamroll • |written tyrannize • • cow
bully/terrorize/intimidate/steamroller/steamroll/cow sb into doing sth
get bullied/picked on/pushed around

acquire/get/lack (an) education/training/(BrE) (some) qualifications
receive/provide sb with training/tuition
develop/design/plan a curriculum/(especially BrE) course/(NAmE) program/syllabus
give/go to/attend a class/lesson/lecture/seminar
hold/run/conduct a class/seminar/workshop
sign up for/take a course/classes/lessons
go to/start preschool/kindergarten/nursery school
be in the first, second, etc. (NAmE) grade/(especially BrE) year (at school)
study/take/drop history/chemistry/German, etc.
(BrE) leave/finish/drop out of/ (NAmE) quit school
(NAmE) graduate high school/college
Problems at school
be the victim/target of bullying
(BrE) play truant from/ (both BrE, informal) bunk off/skive off school (= not go to school when you should)
(both especially NAmE) skip/cut class/school
(BrE) cheat in/(NAmE) cheat on an exam/a test
get/be given a detention (for doing sth)
be expelled from/be suspended from school
Work and exams
do your homework/(BrE) revision/a project on sth
work on/write/do/submit an essay/a dissertation/a thesis/an assignment/(NAmE) a paper
finish/complete your dissertation/thesis/studies/coursework
hand in/ (NAmE) turn in your homework/essay/assignment/paper
study/prepare/ (BrE) revise/ (NAmE) review/ (NAmE, informal) cram for a test/an exam
take/ (both BrE) do/sit a test/an exam
(especially BrE) mark/ (especially NAmE) grade homework/a test
(BrE) do well in/ (NAmE) do well on/ (informal, especially NAmE) ace a test/an exam
pass/fail/ (informal, especially NAmE) flunk a test/an exam/a class/a course/a subject
apply to/get into/go to/start college/(BrE) university
leave/graduate from law school/college/(BrE) university (with a degree in computer science)
study for/take/ (BrE) do/complete a law degree/a degree in physics
(both NAmE) major/minor in biology/philosophy
earn/receive/be awarded/get/have/hold a master's degree/a bachelor's degree/a PhD in economics

Example Bank:
Don't be bullied by people who shout at you.
He was bullied rather than persuaded into going with them.
I could hear the doctor bullying his patients in a good-natured way.
I suppose I got bullied into it by my family.
I won't be bullied into signing anything.
Sometimes the older girls bullied us and made us give them our sweets.

Example Bank:
He was suspended from his position when several members accused him of bullying.
Teenagers talk about their experiences of playground bullying.
There has been an increase in incidences of bullying in many schools.
Trade unions are threatening to expose employers who fail to tackle bullying in the workplace.


Word Origin:
mid 16th cent.: probably from Middle Dutch boele ‘lover’. Original use was as a term of endearment applied to either sex; it later became a familiar form of address to a male friend. The current sense dates from the late 17th cent.

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