Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

chris·ten·ing [christening christenings] BrE [ˈkrɪsnɪŋ] NAmE [ˈkrɪsnɪŋ] noun
a Christian ceremony in which a baby is officially named and welcomed into the Christian Church
compare baptism

The priest baptizes the child by putting water from the font (= a special bowl) on the child’s head and gives it a name. Promises are made on behalf of the child by its godparents. A christening is a special occasion for a family, although fewer people have one now than in the past. The baby wears a special dress, or christening robe, and receives christening presents, which are often things made of silver.

Example Bank:
We all got together at the christening.
my nephew's christening

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