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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

com·pre·hen·sive AW [comprehensive comprehensives] adjective, noun BrE [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] NAmE [ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv]
1. including all, or almost all, the items, details, facts, information, etc, that may be concerned
Syn: complete, Syn:full
a comprehensive list of addresses
a comprehensive study
comprehensive insurance (= covering all risks)
2. (BrE) (of education)designed for students of all abilities in the same school

Word Origin:
early 17th cent.: from French compréhensif, -ive, from late Latin comprehensivus, from the verb comprehendere ‘grasp mentally’.

Example Bank:
The list is fairly comprehensive.
fully comprehensive insurance
You are advised to take out comprehensive insurance.
Derived Word:comprehensiveness
noun (also compreˈhensive school) (also informal comp)
(in Britain) a ↑secondary school for young people of all levels of ability

Word Origin:
early 17th cent.: from French compréhensif, -ive, from late Latin comprehensivus, from the verb comprehendere ‘grasp mentally’.
See also:comp comprehensive school

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