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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

de·sign·er AW [designer designers] noun, adjective BrE [dɪˈzaɪnə(r)] NAmE [dɪˈzaɪnər]
a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making drawings, plans or patterns
a fashion/jewellery, etc. designer
an industrial designer

designer noun C
a fashion/graphic/industrial/theatre designer
developer • • planner • • architect • • engineer • • inventor • • craftsman
a chief/senior designer/planner/architect/engineer
a leading designer/developer/architect/engineer
train/work as a designer/architect/engineer

Example Bank:
She works as a set designer for the Royal Opera House.
They brought in an interior designer to do the house.
They brought in an interior designer to suggest colour schemes for the house.
one of the country's top fashion designers
the company's chief fashion designer
a fashion/graphic/industrial/theatre designer

adjective only before noun
made by a famous ↑designer; expensive and having a famous brand name
designer jeans
designer labels
designer water
He had a trendy haircut, an earring and designer stubble (= a short beard, grown for two or three days and thought to look fashionable).

Clothes and fashion
be wearing a new outfit/bright colours/fancy dress/fur/uniform
be (dressed) in black/red/jeans and a T-shirt/your best suit/leather/silk/rags (= very old torn clothes)
be dressed for work/school/dinner/a special occasion
be dressed as a man/woman/clown/pirate
wear/dress in casual/designer/second-hand clothes
wear jewellery/(especially US) jewelry/accessories/a watch/glasses/contact lenses/perfume
have a cowboy hat/red dress/blue suit on
put on/take off your clothes/coat/shoes/helmet
pull on/pull off your coat/gloves/socks
change into/get changed into a pair of jeans/your pyjamas/(especially US) your pajamas
change/enhance/improve your appearance
create/get/have/give sth a new/contemporary/retro look
brush/comb/shampoo/wash/blow-dry your hair
have/get a haircut/your hair cut/a new hairstyle
have/get a piercing/your nose pierced
have/get a tattoo/a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed
have/get a makeover/cosmetic surgery
use/wear/apply/put on make-up/cosmetics
follow/keep up with (the) fashion/the latest fashions
spend/waste money on designer clothes
be fashionably/stylishly/well dressed
have good/great/terrible/awful taste in clothes
update/revamp your wardrobe
be in/come into/go out of fashion
be (back/very much) in vogue
create a style/trend/vogue for sth
organize/put on a fashion show
show/unveil a designer's spring/summer collection
sashay/strut down the catwalk/(NAmE also) runway
be on/do a photo/fashion shoot

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