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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

fol·low·er [follower followers] BrE [ˈfɒləʊə(r)] NAmE [ˈfɑːloʊər] noun
1. a person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas
the followers of Mahatma Gandhi
2. a person who is very interested in a particular activity and follows all the recent news about it
keen followers of football
a follower of fashion
3. a person who does things after sb else has done them first
She is a leader, not a follower.

Example Bank:
He was not powerful enough to command respect among his followers.
She still has many loyal followers.
The myth says that he led a small band of followers to seek their fortune in distant lands.
a keen follower of football
a true follower of Islam
an ardent follower of the sport
followers of Christ
He is a keen follower of both football and cricket.
He is often referred to as a follower of Darwin.
The minister has failed to heal a split among his followers.
This book is only for the dedicated follower of modernist architecture.

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