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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
heavy metal

ˌheavy ˈmetal [heavy metal] BrE NAmE noun
1. uncountable a type of rock music with a very strong beat played very loud on electric ↑guitars
2. countable (technical)a metal that has a very high ↑density (= the relation of its weight to its volume), such as gold or ↑lead

Heavy metal became popular in the 1970s.The term is used of groups and performers such as Iron Maiden, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, ↑Metallica and Alice Cooper. Heavy metal groups and their fans often have long hair, wear leather jackets and dance in a way that is known as ‘headbanging’ (= moving the head backwards and forwards very quickly to the rhythm of the music). The songs are often about violence and the occult (= things connected with magic powers).
Compare ↑hard rock

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