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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

lam·poon [lampoon lampoons lampooned lampooning] verb, noun BrE [læmˈpuːn] NAmE [læmˈpuːn]
verb ~ sb/sth
to criticize sb/sth publicly in an amusing way that makes them or it look ridiculous
Syn: satirize
His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: from French lampon, said to be from lampons ‘let us drink’ (used as a refrain), from lamper ‘gulp down’, nasalized form of laper ‘to lap (liquid)’.
a piece of writing that criticizes sb/sth and makes them or it look ridiculous
Such lampoons of royalty were previously found only in the foreign press.

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: from French lampon, said to be from lampons ‘let us drink’ (used as a refrain), from lamper ‘gulp down’, nasalized form of laper ‘to lap (liquid)’.

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